Monday, September 24, 2007

CISCO - PERIOD 2 - Tuesday, September 25th

First thing that you want to do today is complete that lab that some of you got started on last time. The template for it is in the blog from Friday, Sept. 21. Copy and paste it into today's comment space. You can fill in the appropriate spaces right in the blog comment space.

This is an experiment. Let's see how it works. You may find that it is easier, that after you have cut and pasted, you want to delete text that is not part of the question to make it look not as cumbersome.


markrules said...

0065215-mark sherry

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates? ___________________________________
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? _______yes___________________________________________
l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? __it is internet 6 or 7_____
d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?
yes it has many options including more updates__________________________________________________
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? ___because the internet is valube for information and also downloadable contnent and what we may use it for it has a infinate number of updates_______________________________________________________________
g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used. ____________________________________________________________________

markrules said...

0065215-mark sherry

there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?
yes it has many options including more updates
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? because the internet is valube for information and also downloadable contnent and what we may use it for it has a infinate number of updates
g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used.

Anonymous said...

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
Version 5.1 and service pack 2____________________________________________________________________________
d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
___261100 KB _____________________________________________________________________________
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
_____It is important in order for the system to perform it's job accurate.___________________________________________________________________________
f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
only one _________________________________________________________________________
g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates? There's the automatic, when the computer downloads them for you but you choose when,when they only notify you and turn off automatic updates._________________________________
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
Sometimes the update will abort or nothing will happen._______________________________________________________________________________
f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
_____________3 am
g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
Because you don't use the computer at this hour__________________________________________________________________________
i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? Yes______________________________________________
l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? Microsoft Word 2000____________________________________________________
d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? No_____________________________________________________
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? Yes because it has to find the updates in the computer
g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
When alot of time has passes since the last one._______________________________________________________________________________
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used. Whwn you nedd to give credut to Microsoft.

markrules said...

when will you finish Mrs Profenno?

Anonymous said...

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
Version 5.1 and service pack 2
d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
Cause you need storage space for used and unused data
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
1 back up copy
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
1. Automatic
2.Download updates for me but let me choose when to install them
3.Notifly but don’t download
4. Turn off Automatic updates
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
The Download process will continue from where it was interrupted
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
3 am or when you set it for
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the computer chose this option?
Mine is set for automatic and they did this cause it is easier than to have to keep cheaking for updates
k. Are the options the same as before?
No automatic update tab
c. What is the application version?
9.0.3821 SR-1
Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
Yea cause windows get updates from Microsoft via internet
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
When updates are available
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used.
When adding software

markrules said...

0065215-mark sherry

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates? ____Clean Install

Anonymous said...


Hey miss. i dont really understand what we suppost to do , but anyways i did all that.

a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
-When updates are available
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used.
-When adding software
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
-Version 5.1 and service pack 2
d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
-Cause you need storage space for used and unused data
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
1 back up copy
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
1. Automatic
2.Download updates for me but let me choose when to install them
3.Notifly but don’t download
4. Turn off Automatic updates
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
-The Download process will continue from where it was interrupted
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
3 am or when you set it for
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the computer chose this option?
-Mine is set for automatic and they did this cause it is easier than to have to keep cheaking for updates
k. Are the options the same as before?
-No automatic update tab
c. What is the application version?
-9.0.3821 SR-1
Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
-Yea cause windows get updates from Microsoft via internet.

Anonymous said...


Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
-Version: 5.1.2600
-Service Pack: 2.0

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
-Capacity: 256 MB

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
-The memory is impotant because the computer depends on it to either make faster or slower.Also depends on the memory to store thing like documents, spreadsheets, etc.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
-You can only create one copy for the backup legally.

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
-Automatic (recommended)
-Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them.
-Notify me but don't automatically download or install them.
-turn off automatic updates.

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.

e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
-If you disconnect from the Internet before updates are fully downloaded, nothing is lost. The download process will continue the next time you connect to the Internet.

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
-If your computer is turned off during a scheduled update, updates are installed the next time you start your computer. You can also choose to have Windows notify you when new updates are available, and then install them yourself.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.

h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
-Automatic (recommended)

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.

j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon. Click on the Automatic Updates tab.

k. Are the options the same as before?

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version

a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.

c. What is the application version?

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?-Yes is required
Why or why not? -See whether the computer is up to date.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?-So newer programs can run on the operting system and for better security.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used.
-when calling the company HP for computer problems/service.

Anonymous said...

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number

a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
Version 5.1 ; service pack 2

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
512 MB of RAM

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
Because it is what lets the operating system run, if there is no RAM then you can not use the computer.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
You can only make 1.

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates

a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
Automatic ; Download updates for me, but let me choose to install them ; Notify me but don't automatically download or install them ; Turn off automatic updates.

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.

e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
Nothing will happen, the download will resume next time you connect to the internet.

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
The Default time is 3 A.M.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.

h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
Automatic, because this person wanted to be up to date with all seciruty patches and different things fixed in the software.

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.

j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.

k. Are the options the same as before? Yes.

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version

a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.

c. What is the application version? Excel ; Version 11.8146.8132

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.

e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?
Yes it does.

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
Yes, because you need to access the programs home website to check for updates.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection

a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
When you have not updated it for over 2 years.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used.
When trying to figure out if you operating system can support you software before installing.

Anonymous said...

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
a)Version 5.1
d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
a)256 MB
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
a)Its important because the higher it is the faster the computer prosseces info also its good for stotage
f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
a) just one
g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates? a) Automatic
Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them
Notify me but don't automatically download or install them.
Turn off Automatic Updates
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
a)Nothing is lost, the download process will continue the next time you connect to the Internet
f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
a) 3 a.m
g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
a) so the computer will update everyday day and the user will not have to worry about it
i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before?
a) There are no automatic updates tab
l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version?
Version 5.1.2600
Service pack 2.0
d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?
a) no
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
a) So new programs can be updated through the internet
g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
a) So it can can be up to date
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used.
a) You might need it when you want to update something

Anonymous said...

Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
Version = 5.1
SP = 2.0

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
= 256 MB

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
-The memory is impotant because the computer the less memory the slower the computer.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
= 1 back-up copy

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
1) Auto update
2) update for me but lets me choose and install
3)tells me but doesnt download
4) turns off updates

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.

e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
= If you disconnect from the Internet before updates are fully downloaded notthing would happen except starting from where u left off.

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
-If your computer is turned off during a scheduled update, updates are installed the next time you start your computer.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.

h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
-Automatic (recommended)

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.

j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon. Click on the Automatic Updates tab.

k. Are the options the same as before?

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version

a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.

c. What is the application version?

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?-Yes is required
Why or why not? -See whether the computer is up to date.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?-So newer programs can run on the operting system.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used.
1) when calling HP company for help

Anonymous said...

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer? Version 5.1 service pack 2.

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP? 261,100

e. Why is memory important to an operating system? memory is important to an operating system because having memory on your computer will allow you to save and store information on your computer.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
You can only make a single backup copy.

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet? the download process will continue from where it was interrupted the next time you connect to the internet.

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed? How updates are installed depends on the Automatic Update settings you choose. If you use the Automatic setting, updates are installed at 3 A.M.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option? so that people that aren't googd with computers don't have to be bother with figuring out how to put updates on there computer and be scared of doing something wrong.

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? No

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? 5.1.2600 service pack 2 Build 2600

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? No

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? Yes because you get the updates from off of the internet.

g. Close the application.

Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system? when your operating system is not working properly.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used. when you are just downloading a operating system and they ask for the version of your computer.
-4931326/ John

Anonymous said...

2 of 3
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
Microsoft Windows XP Professional

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
256 MB

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
It allows the user to save files onto the computer.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates

a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
First is Automatic updates
Second is Download updates for me but it lets me choose when to update them
Third is Notifly me but it doesnt download
Fourth lets me Turn off Automatic updates

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
nothing will happen you'd just start off where u left off

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
If your computer is turned off during an update, then updates are installed the next time you start your computer.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
Automatic (recommended)

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? yes

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? 5.1

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? nope

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
yea cause youd want to up date your computer.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
when you want to update it

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used.
when your trying to find out what software your operating system can handle.

Anonymous said...

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number.

a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer? Version 5.1. Service Pack

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?Memory determines the speed of the computer.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?One

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates

a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?automatic, download for me, notify me, and turn off.

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.

e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?nothing is lost. The download process will continue the next time you connect

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?3 A.M.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.

h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?Automatic, it is easier.

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.

j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.

k. Are the options the same as before?There is no automatic update tab.

l. Close the System control panel.

Step 3: Determine an application version

a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.

c. What is the application version?2003 SP2

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.

e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?Yes

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?Yes
Why or why not?So it can download the latest update.

g. Close the application.

Step 4: Reflection

a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?Everyday

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used.When you are installing a new application that requires a specific OS.

Anonymous said...

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number.

a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer? Version 5.1. Service Pack

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?Memory determines the speed of the computer.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?One

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates

a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
ane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?automatic, download for me, notify me, and turn off.

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.

e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?nothing is lost. The download process will continue the next time you connect

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?3 A.M.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.

h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?Automatic, it is easier.

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.

j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.

k. Are the options the same as before?There is no automatic update tab.

l. Close the System control panel.

Step 3: Determine an application version

a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.

c. What is the application version?2003 SP2

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.

e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?Yes

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?Yes
Why or why not?So it can download the latest update.

g. Close the application.

Step 4: Reflection

a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?Everyday

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used.When you are installing a new application that requires a specific OS.

Anonymous said...

006431 copied and pasted my work (4899285)

Anonymous said...

i didnt understand this...

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates? ___________________________________
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? __________________________________________________
l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? ______________________________________________________
d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? ________________________________________________________
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? __________________________________________________________________
g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used. ____________________________________________________________________

Anonymous said...

6311922 said...


Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
-Version: 5.1.2600
-Service Pack: 2.0

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
-Capacity: 256 MB

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
-The memory is impotant because the computer depends on it to either make faster or slower.Also depends on the memory to store thing like documents, spreadsheets, etc.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
-You can only create one copy for the backup legally.

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
-Automatic (recommended)
-Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them.
-Notify me but don't automatically download or install them.
-turn off automatic updates.

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.

e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
-If you disconnect from the Internet before updates are fully downloaded, nothing is lost. The download process will continue the next time you connect to the Internet.

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
-If your computer is turned off during a scheduled update, updates are installed the next time you start your computer. You can also choose to have Windows notify you when new updates are available, and then install them yourself.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.

h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
-Automatic (recommended)

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.

j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon. Click on the Automatic Updates tab.

k. Are the options the same as before?

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version

a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.

c. What is the application version?

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?-Yes is required
Why or why not? -See whether the computer is up to date.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?-So newer programs can run on the operting system and for better security.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used.
-when calling the company HP for computer problems/service.
September 25, 2007 8:47 AM
6150351 said...

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number

a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
Version 5.1 ; service pack 2

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
512 MB of RAM

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
Because it is what lets the operating system run, if there is no RAM then you can not use the computer.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
You can only make 1.

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates

a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
Automatic ; Download updates for me, but let me choose to install them ; Notify me but don't automatically download or install them ; Turn off automatic updates.

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.

e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
Nothing will happen, the download will resume next time you connect to the internet.

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
The Default time is 3 A.M.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.

h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
Automatic, because this person wanted to be up to date with all seciruty patches and different things fixed in the software.

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.

j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.

k. Are the options the same as before? Yes.

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version

a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.

c. What is the application version? Excel ; Version 11.8146.8132

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.

e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?
Yes it does.

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
Yes, because you need to access the programs home website to check for updates.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection

a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
When you have not updated it for over 2 years.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used.
When trying to figure out if you operating system can support you software before installing.

ID # 4276780 andy villa

Anonymous said...

I'm posting this today because I couldn't get on the computer the other class.

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
Answer: Version 5.1 service pack 2

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
Answer: 522,308 KB

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
Answer: Memory lets the computer run faster by temporarily saving data for quick use.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
Answer: You can make one.

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
1- Automatic
2- Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them
3- Notify me but don't automatically download or install them
4- Turn off Automatic Updates

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
Answer: If you disconnect you don't lose anything.

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
Answer: 3 A.M.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
Answer: The current setting is automatic and I think its set like this because its the default setting and it allows the school to update all its computers without extra effort.

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before?
Answer: Yes

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version?
Answer: Microsoft Word 2003 (11.8134.8132) SP2

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?
Answer: No

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
Internet access is not required because the base program should be able to function without updates.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
Answer: It is usually important to get an update as soon as possible so as to avoid any security compromises, however sometimes updates are bugged so it may be better to wait a while before updating.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used.
Answer: You may need to know which version of a program you have so that you can know whether your version is outdated.

Anonymous said...


Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer? version 5.1.2600 and service pack 2

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP? 261,100 KB

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
Saves more data which in turn lets it run faster

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make? 1

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
1) Automatic
2)Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them
3)Notify me but don't automatically download
4) Turn off Automatic Updates

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
Nothing will happen

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed? 3 A.M.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option? Automatic you can update quicker

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? Yes

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? Microsoft Word 2003

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information tothat provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? No

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? No it is not because it should work without updates.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system? It is is better ASAP, but there are times when it is better to wait

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used. When you have outdated one and you need to update it.

Anonymous said...

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer? Version 5.1 service pack 2.

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP? 261,100

e. Why is memory important to an operating system? memory is important to an operating system because having memory on your computer will allow you to save and store information on your computer.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
You can only make a single backup copy.

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet? the download process will continue from where it was interrupted the next time you connect to the internet.

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed? How updates are installed depends on the Automatic Update settings you choose. If you use the Automatic setting, updates are installed at 3 A.M.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option? so that people that aren't googd with computers don't have to be bother with figuring out how to put updates on there computer and be scared of doing something wrong.

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? No

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? 5.1.2600 service pack 2 Build 2600

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? No

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? Yes because you get the updates from off of the internet.

g. Close the application.

Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system? when your operating system is not working properly.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used. when you are just downloading a operating system and they ask for the version of your computer.
-4931326/ John

September 25, 2007 9:07 AM
9909460 said...
2 of 3
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
Microsoft Windows XP Professional

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
256 MB

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
It allows the user to save files onto the computer.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates

a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
First is Automatic updates
Second is Download updates for me but it lets me choose when to update them
Third is Notifly me but it doesnt download
Fourth lets me Turn off Automatic updates

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
nothing will happen you'd just start off where u left off

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
If your computer is turned off during an update, then updates are installed the next time you start your computer.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
Automatic (recommended)

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? yes

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? 5.1

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? nope

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
yea cause youd want to up date your computer.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
when you want to update it

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used.

When you are installing a new application that requires a specific OS.

miami7151 said...

Graded up to here

Anonymous said...

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number

a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
Version 5.1 ; service pack 2

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
512 MB of RAM

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
Because it is what lets the operating system run, if there is no RAM then you can not use the computer.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
You can only make 1.

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates

a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
Automatic ; Download updates for me, but let me choose to install them ; Notify me but don't automatically download or install them ; Turn off automatic updates.

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.

e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
Nothing will happen, the download will resume next time you connect to the internet.

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
The Default time is 3 A.M.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.

h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
Automatic, because this person wanted to be up to date with all seciruty patches and different things fixed in the software.

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.

j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.

k. Are the options the same as before? Yes.

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version

a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.

c. What is the application version? Excel ; Version 11.8146.8132

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.

e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?
Yes it does.

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
Yes, because you need to access the programs home website to check for updates.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection

a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
When you have not updated it for over 2 years.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used.
When trying to figure out if you operating system can support you software before installing.

Anonymous said...

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
A.Click the Start button and select All Programs - Accessories - Windows Explorer.
B.From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3
C.Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
A)Version 5.1
D.How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
A)256 MB
E.Why is memory important to an operating system?
A)Its important because the higher it is the faster the computer prosseces info also its good for stotage
F.Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
A) just one
G.Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2:Configure Windows XP for updates
A.Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
B.If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
C.Which four options are available for automatic updates? a) Automatic
Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them
Notify me but don't automatically download or install them.
Turn off Automatic Updates
D.Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
E.Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
A)Nothing is lost, the download process will continue the next time you connect to the Internet
F.Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
aA)3 a.m
G.Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
H.What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
A)so the computer will update everyday day and the user will not have to worry about it
I.Close the Automatic Updates window.
J.Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
K.Are the options the same as before?
A)There are no automatic updates tab
l.Close the System control panel.
Step 3:Determine an application version
A.Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
B.From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
C.What is the application version?
Version 5.1.2600
Service pack 2.0
D.If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
E.Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?
F.Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
A)So new programs can be updated through the internet
G.Close the application.
Step 4:Reflection
A.When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
A)So it can can be up to date
B.List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used.
A)You might need it when you want to update something

Anonymous said...

Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
-Version: 5.1.2600
-Service Pack: 2.0

d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
-Capacity: 256 MB

e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
-The memory is impotant because the computer depends on it to either make faster or slower.Also depends on the memory to store thing like documents, spreadsheets, etc.

f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
-You can only create one copy for the backup legally.

g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.

Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.

b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.

c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
-Automatic (recommended)
-Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them.
-Notify me but don't automatically download or install them.
-turn off automatic updates.

d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.

e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
-If you disconnect from the Internet before updates are fully downloaded, nothing is lost. The download process will continue the next time you connect to the Internet.

f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
-If your computer is turned off during a scheduled update, updates are installed the next time you start your computer. You can also choose to have Windows notify you when new updates are available, and then install them yourself.

g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.

h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
-Automatic (recommended)

i. Close the Automatic Updates window.

j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon. Click on the Automatic Updates tab.

k. Are the options the same as before?

l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version

a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3

b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.

c. What is the application version?

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?-Yes is required
Why or why not? -See whether the computer is up to date.

g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?-So newer programs can run on the operting system and for better security.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used.
-when calling the company HP for computer problems/service.

Anonymous said...

c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
--Version 5.1 and service pack 2
d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
--you need storage space for storing data and for appli8cations.

According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
1. Automatic
2.Download updates but let the user choose when to install them
3.Notifly me but don’t download them
4. Turn off Automatic updates
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?

----The Download will continue from where it was stopped at.

Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
-----3 am or ehatever time you want to set it for.

h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the computer chose this option?
----it makes it easier for the user to keep up with the updates.

k. Are the options the same as before?
---No automatic update tab is there now

c. What is the application version?
---9.0.3821 SR-1

Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option?

f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not?
----yes because how else will the app get the update if there is no connection to connect to.

a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system

---when ever the manufacturer relases them.

b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used.
----when adding software or installing peripherals.

miami7151 said...

graded to here

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Miami 7151 Blog by Rebekka Stone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.