Thursday, September 20, 2007

BIOLOGY - PERIOD 8 - Friday, September 21st

It has come to my attention that many of you may not have been able to get the Home Learning assignment from last class because the handouts were not in the packets or posted on the board. I am truely sorry about this. Those of you who checked out my Teacher Website would have gotten the assignment.

For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.

HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!

Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).

I call it Food for Thought:

Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"

In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.

HINT: Think green. :)

ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.

The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!


Anonymous said...

hi ms.profenno's how you doing? well i miss you so much. in how is your college thing going. well when you come back can you show some pictures of the dorm rooms in the environment of the college in also last class i couldnt do my blog last class because the computer i was using wasnt workin. but miss i cant wait until you come back to school. well see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Profenno how are u doing

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi ms.profenno how you doing. well I just wanted to say I miss you in i cant wait to you come back to school.Well see you soon bye. o yeah last class the computer wasnt working so i couldnt do my blog. so i just came to class in did my blog.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Porfeno how is your trip? i couldn't get the homelearning last class because the computer i was using wasn't working! We are doing fine and the Sub is really nice we all do what we have to do we got the procidures u left!!We all miss you can't waite till you get back WE MISS YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey miss profenno, i hope the class you are going to is going ok.

Anonymous said...

Ms profenno i need to talk to you about my grade, i recieved an F and i have done in every assignment you gave me and i got and F on my progress report please explain you becaue i know some people that dont do work at all and they have an A

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Profenno..
"We are what we eat."
I eat lettuce,
celery, and broccali.

0ok Ms. Profenno..
See you in
class!! bye!!!

Anonymous said...

Well miss i never got the homelearning assignment bt i eat peas, lettuce, green peppers, also chinese onions. So hopefully i get it right and sorry if i'm not on the right format Thank you and we miss u a lot bye.

Anonymous said...

hey miss u been? well...what i eat is lettuce,cereal, a lot of yoghurt umm...and thats it

Anonymous said...

i am here and i like to eat pizza

Anonymous said...

hey dude well i eat lettuce, avocado, lemons, peas . So"we are what we eat" and thank you I also did not see the work thank you dude!!!

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Miami 7151 Blog by Rebekka Stone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.