Monday, October 29, 2007

CISCO - Warriors of the Net - Mon, Oct. 29th

Today, you will need to borrow a set of headphones to complete this blog.

As you watch the following movie, jot down 5 facts that are NEW to you. After you have finished viewing the movie, post these 5 facts you have learned.

To view movie, click here Warriors of the Net, Download the link that reads "In English 73 MB SITE A" - make sure you download SITE A. It will immediately open in Windows Media Player.

When you have finished viewing, share your headphones with another student.


Anonymous said...

My Video Didnt Want To download Bcuz It said something ABout memory being to low
Also This computer does not have windows mediaplayer so I tried downloading that And when I ran The setup It said the computer needs to be logged on as an administrator

Anonymous said...

I was not able to download the movie or at least watch it. I'm going to watch it whenI get home.

Anonymous said...

I couldnt see the video and i will try it to due at home. I try to download it here and it would take like 45 minutes.

Anonymous said...

1. i learned that information travels along a highway that CAN crash from time to time if the data comes in at a different rate.


Anonymous said...

I learned 5 facts

-that the information is packaged when you click on a site and is launced for duty
- then they put it on a local area network
-then it is put into information interchange where accidents can happen
-the router will place if anything is wrong on a different path
-the switch will send the info to a certian computer

Anonymous said...

The movie was never able to download so that means i did'nt learn anything.

Anonymous said...

2. i learned that switches on the router are like a train's tracks that change according to where a packet is going.

3. a packet is a mass of information in different sizes.

4. a computer has a unique address that is used for an item or data to be sent to through a router.

5. Routers link from a computer to a another using the MAc address and the ip address.

Anonymous said...

ms. the download time was too long...i'l have to watch it later

Anonymous said...

Couldnt dowload it.

Anonymous said...

1. when packets arrive at there destination they are picked up by network interface
2. from network interface they are sent to the proxy
3. proxy looks for the web address or URL
4. from proxy they are sent to the firewall
5. packets that made it through the proxies and firewalls are then taken to the web server

Anonymous said...

Ms Profenno the video kept frezzing and i couldnt watch it so im going to watch at the public library then re write my blog

Anonymous said...

1. Router reads the address and puts it on another network.
2. Proxy is used to lessen the load of the internet connection and for security reasons.
3. Proxy opens the pack and reads/looks for the web address /URL.
4. Firewall only lets in the packs the meet all the requirements
5. Inside of the firewall packs are scanner more and those that try to make it through will get destoryed and the rest will make it to there destination.

Anonymous said...

1. the router picks up and sends the info where it needs to go
2. the router switch also sends the the info where it needs to go
3. a ping of death was created to mess up a host
4. a fire wall only lets certain packets in and out
5. one by one each packet is opened, read, and unpacked

Anonymous said...

---ip packages labels and sends info in its way.

---lan network used to connect all computers printers etc. for connection.

---as packets leave the router they move towar the router switch

---when packets arive at thier destination they are sent to the proxy.

---proxys are used by corporate offices for security. it also opens the packet and finds the web adress.

Anonymous said...

1. The router pics up any package and throughs them in another ip address.

2. Packages go through the firewall and they have to be approved.

3. the packeages go through alot of processes to get to their destination.

4. the router switch will send the info to different computer.

5. routers link to other computers by using ip addresses or a mac address.

miami7151 said...

Graded up to here

Anonymous said...

Randy Ravelo

1. The router reads the address and puts it on another network.
2. The proxy is used to lessen the load of the internet connection and for security reasons.
3. The proxy opens the pack and reads,looks for the web address , and URL.
4. The firewall only lets in the packs the meet all the requirements.
5. The inside of the firewall packs are scanner more and those that try to make it through will get destoryed and the rest will make it to there destination.

Anonymous said...

1. IP packages information brought in

2. It needs various information to send the packet.

3. The router picks up the packet during traffic if needed.

4. After leaving the router, the packet heads toward the router switch.

5. Not all the packets reach their destination.

Anonymous said...

Things I learned:
1- Accidents can sometimes happen in a LAN network.

2- Routers can move things to other networks.

3- Firewalls prevent private information from going onto the internet.

4- The Ping of Daeth sometimes tires to disguise itself.

5- A web server could be anything from a webcam to your desktop to your fridge.

Anonymous said...

I learned that an P.i. or a I.P.(i just know its one of them) addresses and sends messages. Also I learned that the router sends the packages to the way its suppose to go. Lastly I learned that sometimes accidents can happen while its on its mission to another station, it can crash and be destroyed.

Anonymous said...

1. When packets leave router they move to router switch.
2. A Proxy is used for security purposes.
3. A Firewall keeps viruses from coming into the computer.
4.Port 25 is used for mail packets.
5. port 80 is used for internet packets.

Anonymous said...

1. When information searches are too big they are put in different packets.

2. LAN; acts as a highway for packets and its very unstable.

3. Proxy is corporate and management guidelines.

4. Bandwith is a narrow road for packets.

5. A router sustains order and also keeps the packets maintained in the correct way.

Anonymous said...

i learned that:

-Information is sent in packets
-Routers can make mistakes
-Packets can have "accidents"
-no computer has the same MAC address
-packets that made it through the proxies and firewalls are then taken to the web server

Anonymous said...

1.The Ping of death
2.the information that you send is packaged.
3.The firewall destroys the pings of death that disguise themselves and try to go throught.
4.The switch changes the path of the packets according to their address.
5.proxies look for the URL or the address.

Anonymous said...

1.That when packets finally arrive at there destination they are picked up by network interface.
2.Accidents do happen in a LAN network.
3.They must pass a firewall through the correct port.
4.A firewall provides alot of security by preventing viruses from coming in.
5.A package must hsve the correct URL or it will be destroy.

Anonymous said...

5 facts i learned from the movie

-not all messages are sent
-when you click a link the information is packaged and sent for duty
-the pages are in different sizes depends on hwo big the message is.
-routers sent the messages to where they are supposed to go

Anonymous said...

cp2u23 said...
1. the router picks up and sends the info where it needs to go
2. the router switch also sends the the info where it needs to go
3. a ping of death was created to mess up a host
4. a fire wall only lets certain packets in and out
5. one by one each packet is opened, read, and unpacked
- i just explained to you that to not give number23 credit but to give it to 24

Anonymous said...


1) packets are different sizes.
2) Ping of death is real.
3) packets can be lost in transit.
4) There is a internet and intranet
5) switches send the packet to the server.

Anonymous said...

only half of the movie was download.
i learned that IP package the info.
After the package leave the switch it get into the network interface.
web server can run with a web cam.

Anonymous said...

1.information travels a long way before it reaches its final destination
2.many information doesnt get transmitted through due to fire walls,errors,etc.
3.routers move things to different networks
4.information being sent comes in several different sizes
5.due to techincal difficulties some information wont be sent to its original destination if not terminated due to system failures aswell as errors

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Miami 7151 Blog by Rebekka Stone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.