Monday, October 1, 2007

CISCO - A Wiki Sandbox? - Mon, Oct 1st, 2007

  1. Please, DO NOT USE STUDENT ID or YOUR NAME on any more posts.
  2. I have assigned you a USER NAME. You MUST use this from now on to get proper credit! Do NOT use your name. If you forget your user name, it is posted in the classroom near the computers.
  3. What can YOU create using the following tools – Wiki Sandbox, digital camera, computer, internet, MP3/IPOD, cell phone, microphone, any other materials of your choice?
  4. Remember to think "Outside of the Box."

To check out the Wiki Web pages that the Cisco students created today in class visit:
Cisco's Wiki Demo Pages


Anonymous said...


How about a web site.

Anonymous said...

With all those tools I can create a website.

Anonymous said...

you can make a website with music pictures and vidoes

Anonymous said...

You can create a website and post videos online.

Anonymous said...

With those tools you can create a website.

Anonymous said...

With all those tools you can create a website.

Anonymous said...

I think you can make a website with graphics and music

Anonymous said...

I think you can make a website with many graphics and music

Anonymous said...

You can create all sorts of videos by ue the following tools – Wiki Sandbox, digital camera, computer, internet, MP3/IPOD, cell phone, microphone, any other materials of your choice.

Anonymous said...

i believe with the following tools ill be able to creat a web page of some sort with pictures,designs,fonts,etc.
This way ill be able to be creative in dealing with my topic.

Anonymous said...

With all of these tools you can create a wiki webpage, website, movie, multimedia video, audio sounds/song/remix, miniature explosive, and photos/digital images.

You can probably make more things, but this is what I can think of so far.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

With these tools I can create a post on wikipedia and modify it with pictures to create a visual understanding of the topic.Music can be put in the background.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I would make a small computer who talks, plays music, displays pictures.. etc.

Anonymous said...

With the tools they privide me with i can probably create a computer that is modifid to create stuff and to send anything.

Anonymous said...

With this I can create my own website

Anonymous said...

a website and a whole lot of fun =D

Anonymous said...

with these tools you can create your own website with pictures videos and graphics

Anonymous said...

With the following tools you can create a webpage, create music, and accomplish projects.

Anonymous said...

wITH ALL THOSE THINGS I WOULD MAKE AN WEBPAGE THAT IS ON ANY SUBJECT I can post videos and pistures and also any other information that would like using all trhat material

Anonymous said...

I wasnt here for the wiki thing but I think its a no brainer that u can use it to create a website.

Anonymous said...

With all those resources you can create a website and post things such as videos and pictures and you can even put music for people to download.

Anonymous said...

I could create a website or a presentation of some kind.

Anonymous said...

must be something to create a website.

Anonymous said...

i think i can create a website or just hook up my room into something crazy

Anonymous said...


You can create all sorts of videos by ue the following tools – Wiki Sandbox, digital camera, computer, internet, MP3/IPOD, cell phone, microphone, any other materials of your choice.

Anonymous said...

I can make a website with music and a live web show

miami7151 said...

graded to here

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