Thursday, September 20, 2007

CISCO - PERIOD 2 - Friday, September 21st

Here is the 1 Blog prompt for today. I have rethought things. Realistically, you did not get time to complete this lab. We will pick it up on Tuesday as well as do the vocab cards, as well as go though an overview of what's in Chapter 3. How does that sound?

1) We talked one day about making flashcards to assist in mastering the many vocabulary terms. If we developed a class set of vocabulary words, do you see yourself using them as a learning tool? Be honest and explain why or why not. If not, what can you suggest to me would be a productive way to learn the many terms in this field?


After you have completed the reading of Chapter 2, I want you to complete this activity. It may seem very basic, but please go through the steps. As far and today's work, I must have been sleepy last night to have posted your classwork for today WITHOUT saving it!!!!!!!! The vacation's over. Back to work, those of you who got excited about a free day. If you were just hanging out until then, I want you to discipline yourselves and work on CISCO class work through silent reading. There is LOTS to read.

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates? ___________________________________
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? __________________________________________________
l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? ______________________________________________________
d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? ________________________________________________________
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? __________________________________________________________________
g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used. ____________________________________________________________________


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The smart thing would be to study for the test...

Anonymous said...

you should just study chp.2......

Anonymous said...

Ms. Profenno,

I have been transferred out of you 5th period am now in your cisco networking class. Just thought you should know.

Robert Clower

Anonymous said...

Is we use a class set of vocabulary flash cards i would use them but not very often as most words are easy to remember.But it is a good idea for thouse who dont get the material as fast as i do.

Anonymous said...

CISCO Networking-Friday-Sept. 21, 2007

If we developed a class set of vocabulary words, I see myself using them as a learning tool due to the efficient it is going to be to learn the vacabulary. Many people do really need help with that even me.I think we should use them.

markrules said...

0065215-mark sherry

If we develped flash cards i think that we would be able to recall the vocabulary more often and lean more efficently and so on

when will you be back?

Anonymous said...

Truthfully, if we made flash cards I would probably use them right after I make them, but then I'd probably just set them aside. Even so, I think that we should make them cause it can really help us remember out vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

If we had a class set of vocaburly i could see myself useing them cause it it help me better understand what i was reading
aslo we cannot get into the cisco website

miami7151 said...

Good Morning Future CCNA Graduates,

Anonymity is bliss... although I have my guesses as to who you are :)

If you have not already jumped back to my Teacher Website, you may not have seen yet that we are diving into Chapter 3 starting next week, next class!

Today, use your time wisely today to become masters of the Chapter 2 content. Today is the last day you will have class time to read Chapter 2 in class.

For those of you who have been transferred recently into Per 2, there are students willing and ready to help you get into the Cisco on-line materials. You are responsible to catch up.

In a way, it's a good thing that we are waiting until I get back to test -- this will give those of you who just came an extra week to prepare. Your next week should be CISCO for breakfast, CISCO on the bus, CISCO in class, at lunch, in the hallways, talking to your girlfriend or boyfriend, CISCO at ROTC or Band or Pep club or Football or x-country, CISCO while you are figuring your calculus problems, CISCO for lunch and dinner, CISCO while you take a dump, CISCO as you watch the back of your eyelids.

In other words, if you are not breathing it this week (and this goes for any of you who have slacked off in the reading so far or have been reading to "get through it" and not for deep comprehension) then you will not be prepared for the test questions.

My review will not enable you to pass the test if you have not done the time to prepare.

As you review your notes and the content on each page, really think about the material, work it through, question it, imagine that YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE who can trouble shoot a problem at a job site. How would you go about diagnosing the problem? Really let this stuff satiate and soak into your memory. You are becoming the surgeons of the internet and company networks. You are learning a VITAL skill to keep the internet ALIVE and HEALTHY.

Use your class time, AT ALL TIMES, wisely and for a directed purpose.

Ultimately, the choice is yours.


Have a great last 45 minutes of class... 65 minutes for those of you who have thus squandered your time away. Please let your neighbor learn by NOT INTERRUPTING him/her by conversating with him/her. You will get more out of this class and education in general.

Anonymous said...

I just need to catch up.

Anonymous said...


miami7151 said...

Thanks for the immediate feedback on the flashcards. That is your only blog question.

PLUS you can copy/paste the lab activity questions and answer them for me in this space. I think that would be easier than writing on paper. What do you think?

Is there anyone that has me for Bio or has another teacher close by later today? Let me know, I think I have a stash of 300 or so index cards in my room and I'll ask you to look for them later today when you are back in the 300 wing. What we can do is on Tuesday, I'll dedicate some class time to making flash cards. I will give everyone a section to pull words out of and we will keep them organized by Chapter Sections in little zip lock bags (also in my classroom).

Robert - Thank you for letting my know that you were transferred. I have been checking my gradebook (which I will be updating later today) but the server was not responding last night so I did not know. Congratulations on being in CISCO.

Finally -- I have some sombering news and I need my 4 Biology students (Robert, Dyamond, Eduardo, and Evan -- are there any others?) to help me with during Silent reading.

It has been reported to me that yesterday's 5th and 7th period classes trashed my room and got out of hand a bit. Since I am not there to supervise cleanup - it is imperative that the biology students clean up or for the next 5 days (i'll be back in school on Monday October 1st) there will be no more Lab Activities.

What I need you to do is return to my room, with a pass for the sub, walking but SILENTLY!!!!!!!!! in the halls and clean my room and prepare it for 4th period Bio. These students deserve a clean room, that is properly organized. Even though you most likely were not part of causing the mess, I am asking you to clean up because you are trained. Ms. Linardi (rm 348) has a key if it is locked. T-you.'

Rufus - How goes it with the fish tank. Did you find the spare algae in the back in the buckets? When you get a chance, give me an update. Does not have to be today or during this class. I am curious what the state of the tank is. Can you describe the water quality to me?

Thanks, class!

Anonymous said...

Ill go in there too clean up but the 7th period class put everything up the sub was just didnt kno wat to do so she was mad also Ryan got me in to cisco so neva mind dat

miami7151 said...

Thanks Dyamond! Can you do me one more thing? Are you still in 530?

miami7151 said...

Mr. G is supposed to have been able to print out for me this morning 44 copies of Bio lesson plans. I had no idea that that did not happen on Wednesday. I finished it from and emailed it from the airport EARLY wed am but had no idea the file was not able to be opened on the HSHS end.

Will you stop by his room (349) and see if he was successfully able to open and print the file? If so, will you please place 1 in each of the page protectors and then one in each of the Bio folders I left for the sub?

If Dyamond has already left, Ryan, can you do this?

Eduardo, how is the morning attendance going? Have you been able to switch out the poster boards ok? Are there still sharpie markers for the students to use to sign in?

All my CISCO students, thanks for helping and pitching in. I am trying to transition all my Bio classes slowly into using the internet as not only a medium for coursework and teaching, but as a way for students to take control of their own learning.

Please pardon me as I make mistakes along the way. I've made many already this year -- and sometimes in a lack of sleep mode I forget REALLY basic steps, like to hit the "save button."

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Bottom line is this students: You are in control of your own education. The time you are granted each day is yours to cultivate. Some of us have more responsibilities at home than others. Some of us have more "free time" (yes, I consider gaming and TV completely free time that can be used for other "more productive" activities) than others.

YOU CHOOSE what you make of your time, how you spend the free time you've been given.

Youth can and are changing the world! You can be one of them. I have met several already from around the world... can't wait to tell you Ramita's story. She is a young adult, 23, I just met on Wednesday from the country of Nepal. She is INCREDIBLE with what she has done to set up a computer learning center in her community. She started it when she was 19 and she is getting global recognition now for what she has done. It is a YMRC (Youth Managed Resource Center) - completely started and managed by youth!!!! Her story is very compelling and inspirational.

The power lies within each of you to first, change yourself and second, change the world.

Remember, YOU CHOOSE!

Anonymous said...

If we had flashcards we would be able to learn the vocab easier and pass the tests

Anonymous said...

Flash cards help us understand the material better by trying to learn and retain the knowledge we've learned.

Anonymous said...

If we started using flashcards it would be more interesting and fun .

Anonymous said...


ummm...wat do you mean by do the vocab cards....and when is this lab due exactly..on tuesday?

Anonymous said...

If we used flashcards for our vocabulary words, it would be much easier to learn the vocab and it would be fun. Which I think it's important because I think that students rather learn something while they're having fun.

Anonymous said...

No, I am not able to study vocabulary like that. I like studying with all the words in a list on one paper. I don't know why but that's easier for me.

Anonymous said...

I think that we can use the vocabulary terms in a wait to learn, because it would help us to improve us vocabulary and learn new word that can help understand better about computers.So study and make flash cards would be interesting.


Anonymous said...

Allright, but I was already transferred out by yesterday.

Anonymous said...


I think the flash cards would be a geat idea since you can take them anywhere and it is a great way to study.

Anonymous said...

I think if we use flash cards for vocabulary purposes it would be much easier to learn them instead of looking at them once and then expect to remember them so yea flash cards are good for studying, very useful.

miami7151 said...


ummm...wat do you mean by do the vocab cards....and when is this lab due exactly..on tuesday?

The lab will be due on TUESDAY. I will put an easy form on you can cut and paste to fill in the answers.

Robert - I know you were transferred out. I just needed some extra help making sure the lab was clean for 4th period. I knew I could count on you to help straighten it out.

miami7151 said...


I think the flash cards would be a geat idea since you can take them anywhere and it is a great way to study.

Do you think that we should each have our own set or just make one big set that we can sign in and our in small chunks?

Anonymous said...

if we use flash cards i would use them but only if we get to study them in class as a group.......yea i can see myself learning a lot that way.

4276780 andy villa

Anonymous said...

Inever really use flash cards. I usually memorize things like that really well. My motto is, if you don't remember the materail, you havn't studied enough.

Anonymous said...

If we do use flash cards it would be a good idea. I do see myself using them and they would help us alot with words we don't remember.

Anonymous said...

i believe flash cards could be effective but only if used used effectivly and kept somewhere they wont get damaged or lost like mine mostly end up,they could realy improve my vocabulary for CISCO..

Anonymous said...

flash cards are a good idea because we'd be able to understand the vocabulary alot better. Homesteads gonna beat southridge tonite.

Creative Commons License
Miami 7151 Blog by Rebekka Stone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.