Monday, September 17, 2007

CISCO - PERIOD 2 - Monday, September 17th

Comment on the following questions:
1) In your opinion, explain what Chapter 2 is about
2) Which questions did you get correct/incorrect on the Chapter quiz
3) After paging through Chapter 2, how confident do you feel in the material to be covered in Chapter 2?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1)on my own opinon i think that chapter 2 deals mostly with operating systems.

2)i dont know wich ones i got write or wrong but i know i got most of them right.

3)i feel pretty confident about chapter 2 because i already knew most of this stuff anyways.

-andy villa

Anonymous said...

1)i actually think that chapter 2 focuses on how a computer really works and on the OS's importance.
2)I got 100% correct (even though i did it 3 times)
3)I'm actually quite confident on this chapter because i've taken the quiz many times and i've gone over the material a number of times. So in short, yes, i'm pretty sure i'll pass any material that has to do with chapter 2.

Anonymous said...

1-I think that chapter 2 is mostly about operating systems,the ability to communicate trought one computer to another and the programs that can be run in a computer.
2-I just get like one wrong that was about the code that interact with the computer hardware.
3-I feel very confident and i think that i can do very good on it.


Anonymous said...

1) to me i think ch.2 has to do with the opreating system and the patching the computer

2) i got all of them right but they were a lucky guess

3) i am really confident and interested in what im about to learn


Anonymous said...

i'm #4 (4got to put down some form of identification) September 17, 2007 8:39 AM

-September 17, 2007 8:39 AM

Anonymous said...

1)i actually think that chapter 2 focuses on how a computer really works and on the OS's importance.
2)I got 100% correct (even though i did it 3 times)
3)I'm actually quite confident on this chapter because i've taken the quiz many times and i've gone over the material a number of times. So in short, yes, i'm pretty sure i'll pass any material that has to do with chapter 2.


Anonymous said...

1) chapter 2 is basically about operating sytems it talks about the cpu and other things

2) i got the most part of it right

3) i am feeling a little bit confident and on the other half notso confident. but i know i will do well.

- Rufus ogio

Anonymous said...

1. My opinon on chapter 2 is that it deals with Operating Systems

2. I think i got them all right.

3. Well i fell confident about Chapter 2 it looks fun and understandble

Carlos Beltran
id # 3738525

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1)Chapter 2 is about Operating Systems.

2)I got all five questions correct.

3)I feel pretty confident about what I convered in chapter 2.

ID# 4899285

Anonymous said...

Ms. profenno the best

Anonymous said...

Hey wuz up

Anonymous said...

1. Chapter 2 deal with operating system and tis components. Like upgrading, and installions.
2. the question that I got wrong were 1 and 5.
3.Feel confident about this chapter.knew most of the stuff.


Anonymous said...

1.I think it chapter one is about perating systems.
2.I got most of them right
3.I think im going to learn alot in chapter because there a lot im not familar with.
noelia pacheco

Anonymous said...

1.In my opinion chapter deals with operating systems
2.I got questions 1 and 5 wrong and the rest right.
3.Really confident because I knew most of the stuff.

Anonymous said...

1) Chapter 2 deals with operating systems and ow to use them.

2)At first I got like 40% right but after doing it the second time I got mostly all of it correct.

3)Some things dont look familiar so I'm confident that I'll learn something new.

- Leonardo Rivera

Anonymous said...

1) chapter 2 consist of choosing , understand , and using operating systems

2) i got all the question except, question 4 where it stated which operating system where it for general use and be modify and enhance code. The reason i got the answer wrong was because some people can modify and enhance code .. but i didn't read where it stated general use

3) i feel confident because i already learned this material

Anonymous said...

1) chapter 2 consist of choosing , understand , and using operating systems

2) i got all the question except, question 4 where it stated which operating system where it for general use and be modify and enhance code. The reason i got the answer wrong was because some people can modify and enhance code .. but i didn't read where it stated general use

3) i feel confident because i already learned this material


Anonymous said...

1]I feel that chapter 2 deals mostly with operating systems.

2]even though i skimmed through the chapter i got about 50% on the quiz

3]Im pretty confident about this chapter because i know most of this stuff already,although some things are knew\

Anonymous said...

1) I think this chapter will discuss operating systems
2) I got all of them right even though it took me 3 tries
3) Most of this stuf is new to me but i'm ready to learn it

Anonymous said...

1) In my opinion, chapter 2 deals with operating systems and how they work with programs and the user.

2) I got every question correct.

3) I feel very confident because I knew all but 2 things (kernel, shell).

-bryan salcedo

Anonymous said...

1) chapter 2 is about different types of operating systems and what they are used for.
2)i got wrong number 4 that deals with an upgrade
3) i feel real confident because i've done some of the stuff before

Kevin Rozon

Anonymous said...

ID: 4644870

1. in my opinion ch. 2 is about different operating systems. How to install them, what to look for when choosing one and upgrading.

2. i got an 80% on my first try since i learned all of this in IT essentials.

3. I feel good about chapter 2 since i had IT essentials Las t year its like a review for me.


Anonymous said...

by pedro marchante

1) Chapter 2 is about operating systems and how they function.

2)the only question i got wrong was the last one when it asked what 3 factors need to be considers when chosing and op system.

3)i feel confident thats this will be a relitivly easy chapter.

Anonymous said...

i did bad in the quizi missed 4


markrules said...

0065215-Mark Sherry

this chapter is about os(operating system) and how it is responsible for the input and output functions.
I also learned about three additional things

Shell- Is a interface that allows users to request specific tasks from computer

Kernal-this manages how the hard ware is used

Hardware- this is the physical part of the computer

Os also has complete control of all local hardware that they may need to be installed by the NOS.
there are 4 ways of installing os.

Is there Computer Club next week?

Anonymous said...

1- I think chapter 2 will be about Operating Systems as well as how they work with hardware and users.

2- The first one and two I got wrong because I wasn't serious about it, but once I did get serious I got the others right.

3- I'm somewhat confident about this chapter because I'm still trying to get used to this format of learning, but I'm sure I'll feel more confident as time goes by.


Anonymous said...

ID: 8596168

1. ch. 2 is about different operating systems, and how to install them, what to look for when choosing one and upgrading the OS

2. i got an 100% on the was fairly easy but one of the questions is kinds confusing.

3. I feel great about Chp.2, its going to be easy and im going to able to learn more about OS.

Anonymous said...

1) well from what Ive read i believe Chapter 2 deals mainly with the operating systems of a computer and how it works.

2) i believe i got most of the questions right but the one that i did miss i revised and realized why i got it wrong.

3) i understood chapter 2 preaty well...what i read atleast..but yea i read the passages serveral times and i believe i comprehended it quite well.


Anonymous said...

1) the clean install os is where no upgrade exists between the current os and the one being installed.
2)upgrade is getting new os file but still preserved system configuration settings, applications and data.
3)multi-boot you can have more than one os on a computer but only one can run at a time.
4)virtualization it enable you to multiple copies of an os to be run on a single set of hardware.

markrules said...

0065215- mark sherry

Os comes in many ways

-upgrade-when you have a old version it do is to upgrade it to make it work even better

-mutiboot- is when many os can run at once

-virtualization- this is a more creative way to run an os it makes
it easier like 10 times better

-clean install- this is when you do not have a os so you basically
install a new one

Anonymous said...

1.the 4 different types of OS are clean install, which is done on a anew sytem or sometimes where no upgrades path exists between the current OS and the one being deletes all data on the on the partition where the OS is insatlled.a clean install is also done when the existing Os intallation has become damaged in some way.
upgrade, with an upgrade system configuration settings,applicatations and data are preserved . it replaces the old OS files with the new OS files.
multi-boot, you can install more than one OS on a computer on a computer to create a a multi boot system.each OS can have its own files and configuration system.
is a teqnique that is often deployed on servers. it enables multiple copies of an OS to be run on a single set of hardware and also creating many many virtual machines.
i havent installed any.
2.two preparations that must be completed before staring the installation are ..
1. verify that all hardware is certified to work with the selected OS.
2. verify that the hardware resources meet or exceed the published minimum requirements.
noelia pacheco

Anonymous said...


1)Chapter 2 is about the purpose of an OS and how helps you to interact with the computer.

2)I got 2 wrong, but it had 2 and three answers and i only missed one of them on each.

3) I feel somewhat confident about chapter 2, i knew some of the things.

miami7151 said...

Graded up to here

Anonymous said...

I was not in this class yet but chapter 2 is about the operating system

miami7151 said...

graded to here

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