Today was your first Chapter Test. How did it go?
For today's blog post you will write a reflective paragraph on the testing experience. I want you to evaluate your preparation for the test. Here are some writing prompts but you are not limited to these questions. Please share your feelings and thoughts. Remember to use your user ID (if you forgot it... today you may use your school student ID... because I left the user name list downstairs in the other room).
How did you feel going into the test? Did you adequately read and study? What topics do you need to revisit? How can you improve your study time in class? How can you improve your study time at home? Do you feel that you earned the grade that you received? What will you differently in the future? Specifically, how will you prepare for the Chapter 2 test on next Thursday?
Friday, October 5, 2007
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well i felt good about the test and I think I did good on it. I could improve my study habits by studying alot more.... so yeah that's it... i guess?
I think that i finish the text too fast and that is why i fail it. I was very confident so i didnt study really good for it. Im very sure if i due for a second time im going to be more prepare for it. So, im expecting to pass it next time.
the test wasn't as easy as i though it would be. i failed it,most of the questions i didn't study for but altogether if i had to take it again i would no the write answer and what to put and it wouldn't be so hard. and most of the questions didn't really make any sense like just the way it was put together made it difficult for me. but at least now i have an idea what to study for. Rufus ogio 0235424
Did you adequately read and study?
- Yes, I feel that I did. The time we spent in class reviewing questions on Wednesday helped me a lot. I went home and studied that material. The 20 minutes to study in class before the test also helped jog my memory.
the test was pretty easy, but at the same time i thought i knew some of the questions but i guess i was wrong. Anyway, i think if i take it i can get 100% so wutever. I dont have anything else to write about so thats can stop reading now...alright...stop! Arlig
well the test was hard after all i was not prepared for this test at all i personally think i will do better on the make up test.......... 3738525
Well, some thing in the test looked familiar, but i still failed though. I mean ya i studied but yesterday it wouldn't allow me to log in and study, which wasnt cool. I can improve my studying by continuing even though i didn't pass. I feel as though the grade i earned should not reflect entirely because the teacher was on vacation the last few weeks, and was not hear to fully explain and answer our questions exept for 3 classes pretense. I will prepare for the chapter 2. test assesment by logging on my often and reading more about the chapter.
I felt that I could have done better on the test than I did. Some of the things I studied was on the test. I think when I get my computer back it will improve my studying a bit. For the chapter 2 test next thursday I'll make sure to carefully read eveything.
I thought the test was kind of hard. I studied studied at the last minute. I think I should have studied more.
The test wasnt as hard as I thought it was going to be.Even though i didnt really understand the questions asked on the test, i feel good about passing.Alot of the questions were common sense, and alot of them were difficult and shoudve been studued for.Im mad because you said there was 15 questions but there was 21.:-(
And if there was 15 I probably wouldve got an A.(lol)But next time I know to study for my test so i could get a passing grade.
I believe the test was difficult but if I had studied it would'nt have been difficult but o well. and yeah i did fail it with a very very low score.
I Felt kinda preparaed but i guess i wanst.I think i read and studied more than alot of the people in the class its just that i didnt understand it all.I really cant improve my study time in class cause i do is stay on the cisco website.I do feel i earned the grade i received casue i studied hard and i got 70 percent of it right and to never be in a class like this i feel okay about it.In the future i would problaly ask more questions instead of think i can figure all of them out on my own.I will prepare for the next test by making sure that i understand everything.
The test was more difficult than i than i thought, I was only 5 points from getting an 80. Next time i will try to study harder for the test, and as for chapter the 2 test I hope to pass it because it looks long and hard.
ID- 4931326
The test was a breeze i scored a 86% and most of the questions where self explanitory. I feel that i didn't do as good as i could but atleast i passed so its cool.
I think that i finish the text too fast and that is why i got a 77. i didnt study for it because i thought i knew most of the material.
I think that it was not that hard at all. It was very easy I think a first grader could pass that test. So the next test i will pass!
I should have studied more Because It was difficult when i retake Im sure I will pass:)
By 5084330
I felt ok going into the test. I'm pretty sure I studied enough, but I can improve on my class study time. My home study time is fairly limited. For the next test, I expect to do the same thing I did for this test.
Well.....the test was ok....i passed it ......some questions were kinda hard...but everything else was ok. I just need to study a little bit more...
i believe u answered the question correctly but i guess i was wrong ... i believe the test wasnt correct
my test experiance was great. i thought the test was easy and easy to get to. the questions were short and simple. i like the fact that we had a lot of time to complete the test. however the grade scale at the end was hard to understand i didnt understand the difference between the bottom score and the top score.
umm...well i believe the test wasnt to hard,i knew i understood each question and the correct answer but i thought about it to much and ended up messing myself i believe i should study a bit more and go with my gut next time..leave my brain at home in a matter of speaking but all in all i defenitly need to study more for future exams...
I Felt Really confident about it. Yes i did study for the tes but some questions i was not expecting. I needed to revisit the power surge topics. I need to have more time at home to study. I do not feel i earned the grade i was given because i know i could do better. Next time I will better prepared. For the next chapter i will try to study it more.
The test was kind of hard. But i manage to pass the test. some of the question i didn't even know! they weren't on the review i had.
but easy to use. ^_^
The test was't that hard because I didn't study but i got a pretty decent score. All I need to do next time is study and I should score near 100.
4644870 Rafael Molina.
The test was hard but i managed to do pretty well i got a 95 percent. the actual test format was familiar to me since i took IT essentials last year. as far as studying goes...ill keep studying the way i do.
the test easy but the questions were tricky... but i just need to look at the answers carefully and study a little more
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We, the members of the Homestead Techno Club
in order to obtain knowledge of computers and various programs, we do and establish this constitution.
The purposes of the Techno Club are to expose its members to technology and the everyday changing world.
Additionally, students will participate in school and various
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basis of race, color, or creed. The following offices that make up the executive board.
The test was very difficult. I got less than 50%. I think I deserved it because I didn't study.
the way that i felt while doing the test was tired and kind of confused.
The test was easier than I thought, I didnt really study that much for it but I feel that should have studied still in order to get a perfect.I got approximately 86%.
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