Wednesday, October 17, 2007

CISCO - Mind Wide Open - Wed, Oct. 17th

Students, for those of you who are not taking the PSAT test, you will have extra time to be in class. Since the ENTIRE class today you will be engaged in learning, I have provided a video for you to watch. Since there are only 4 working computers, there is enough time for everyone, in the 2 hours, to watch this video during class.

Go to this site:

Play the third video, "Architects of Tomorrow." You will want to enlarge the video and use the headphones. I am crossing my fingers that Quick Time is loaded on those computers!!!

Answer these writing prompts after you have watched the video:
  1. How is your Mind Wide Open to your future? (this has nothing to do with Cisco Networking -- this question is about your dreams and aspirations for the future)
  2. Explain how your Mind is Wide Open to the Cisco Discovery program.
  3. What is your commitment level TODAY to not game in class, even though I am out of town?
And, NO, you may not play cards in class. YES, I realize the period is extended. It is NOT for card playing. It is for Cisco class enrichment. I have invited the Assistant Principles to come and visit Period 2 today and see how disciplined the Cisco students are. Let them see you on task for the entire period, not loitering, not PSPing, not playing cards, not text messaging, or engaged in any other off-task activity.

Still have the itch to be internet surfing AND all of your book work is complete?
  1. Check out this interactive network map. Can you find Homestead Senior? It's there!!
  2. Scroll to the bottom of this site to learn about the Cisco Internship Program from MDCPS students.
  3. Read about the CCENT Certificate that YOU can earn after only 2 semesters of Cisco - that means that ALL OF YOU should set a goal to qualify for this voucher at the end of this year. With this certificate, which is brand NEW, you can go out and get an entry level job!!!!! This is WONDERFUL news!!!
At the Cisco training I learned a lot. Anyone who consistently is not passing the Chapter Tests will be dropped from the Cisco Academy. These students will remain in Period 2 until the end of the semester, but will be given alternative assignments to complete.

With regards to the seeing feedback on the tests, because the Discovery program is brand new, the feedback option does not yet exist. It is a request that has been asked by teachers to the Cisco Academy, but has not yet been granted.

We will begin Chapter 3 on Tuesday 10/23 - make sure you have READ the entire chapter before coming to class on Tuesday. I suggest taking lots of notes. Remember to disable instant messaging, appear as though you are offline, when you are reading for Cisco. Another hint is to download the entire online text to your desktop. Then, you do not have to be on the internet at all while you study.


Anonymous said...

We weren,t in the computer lab on WEd.

My mind is Mind Wide Open to my future. The reason being is because I have aspirations and dreams to accomplish, wanting to get there and complete my dream of being a computer technicion. The CISCO Discovery program provides the resources that we need in order to accomplish this goals.

Anonymous said...

My mind is fairly dense; I don't even know what I'll do tommorow. I'm wide open to Cisco, the prospects are all ok to me. My commitment to play games is the same it has always been.

Anonymous said...

my mind is wide open to the future because i want kids who are younger than me would have someone to look up too and so that i could better my self and my life. Also with the CISCO program that will help me and other students to take on any goals that we have planed for our future!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

my mind is kind of confused, i rarely no what i will do tomorrow the cisco program provides many resources that we need to accomplish.

Anonymous said...

my mind is wide open to the future so that i could better my self and succeed in life. Also with the CISCO program that will help me and other students to take on any goals that we have planed for our future!!!!!! For example a career in networking.

Anonymous said...

My mind is wide open to my future because I want my own things without anyone having to provide for me. I want to have my own stuff and do what I like doing the most.

Anonymous said...


My mind is wide open, because i wanted improve my computer knowledge and some day when i get out from school practice to help other people.The technology and computers change every day and for that reason we need to keep studying and take notes.So that is what i do everyday in class.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my mind is wide open to the future which is be a computer technician and be a good example because i want kids to look up to me for help in anything and have a meaning to my life. The CISCO program is helping me and other students to take on any goals that we have planned for our future and thats a real good thing.

Anonymous said...

my mind preaty wide open to my future aswell but at the same time im not as enthusiastic about the program.perhaps in the future when i get more into the program my opinion my change but i highly doubt it.but if i where to get into the interest of persuing such goals in the future dealing with computers then CISCO would become a great aspect in persuing such goals.

Anonymous said...

1) i liked the video because it showed me some more things that i can do with this class.
2) I am very commited to not game
3) I did find homestead high on the map

Anonymous said...

My mind is wide open on my future.But I guess I its too open because sometimes after school instead of doing my homework I instead think about what I will do in the future such as researching universities I might go to.I think so much about future I forget about my present.CISCO is a good oppurtunity because the future depends on computers.No matter what job you pick.

Anonymous said...

My mind is wide open to my future. Although I dont think Ill pursue a career in computer technician. My desicion might as i progress.

Anonymous said...

1. my mind is open for the future because i am ready for what life brings me and ready to explore new things.
2. my mind is open to learn new things and do new things
3. my commitment was good because i did all my work

Anonymous said...

How is your Mind Wide Open to your future? (this has nothing to do with Cisco Networking -- this question is about your dreams and aspirations for the future)
----my mind is wide open to the buture because i have goals i want to fulfill and i have aspirations that i want to follow. also because i want to do something big with my life and not sit around and do nothing.

Explain how your Mind is Wide Open to the Cisco Discovery program.

---my mind i=s wide open because i can use all of the tools this program has to offer.

What is your commitment level TODAY to not game in class, even though I am out of town?

---i dont think i will game in class today im pretty sure about it.

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