Wednesday, October 31, 2007

CISCO - 1st Quarter Reflections - Wed, Oct.31, 2007

Think back and reflect on 1st Quarter:

1. Are you satisfied with your work in class?
2. What did you do well 1st quarter?
Taking notes, following directions, listening, organizing notebooks, being on time, making good choices during class, blogging, other
3. What will you improve on during 2nd quarter?
List specific goals you have for yourself


Anonymous said...

1. Yes
2. Take Notes
3. Arrive to school on time.

Anonymous said...

1. Are you satisfied with your work in class?

2. What did you do well 1st quarter?
Taking notes, following directions, listening, organizing notebooks, being on time, making good choices during class, blogging, but i know that i can do better in all of these.

3. What will you improve on during 2nd quarter?
I will improve on everything. Doing everything i can do my best.

Anonymous said...

1. Yes

2. I did the work.

3. Study for the tests

Anonymous said...

1- Yes
2- blogging
3- I want to get a better understanding of Cisco Networking.

Anonymous said...

1.No because I did horrible on the tests and I was really hoping to pass the tests,
2.I was here on time, I took some notes, and I did all the blogging
3.I will improve in everything I can improve,especially doing good on the tests.

Anonymous said...

1. Im not really satisfied with the work in class cause really I'm not learning anything and I would prefer that the work was hands on.
2. In the first quarter I did well in that I actually completed all my blogs and well that got me the grade I have now.
3. In the 2nd quarter I will improve on everything that is needed to earn my self an "A".

Anonymous said...

1. Yes
2. Taking real good notes, organizing botebook, and blogging.
3. Studying for tests

Anonymous said...

1) yes I am satisfied with my work in this class.

2) I followed directions really well but i didn't take a lot of notes because i knew the material already.

3) I was takeing this class so i could learn to program routers and configigure IPs basically know how to do everything a computer tech would not find out how the internet works or any of that I am not interested but. I will try to stick with it and learn about everything no matter how boreing it may be.

Anonymous said...

1) Yes
2) I helped around class and i was always on time to class
3)Taking good notes

Anonymous said...

1. Yes
2. Notes, time, study
3. Spend more time studying, take better notes

Anonymous said...

Randy Ravelo

2.I Think that I did my best in all those aspects, because i always take notes, I be on time, and I always trying to be in the same path that the others students in the class.
3.I will try to get better grades in the first time that I take the Quizzes, so i dont have to do it again.

Anonymous said...

2.I took some notes and I blogged almost everyday.
3.Keep studing and taking notes one what I read and finish all my blogs.

Anonymous said...

1)Somewhat yes
2)Blogging and following directions
3)I should probably improve on my reading and note taking. I also need to stop being late.

Anonymous said...

2.i studied well, mostly on time,and blogging were my strong points
3.tests, effort, etc.

Anonymous said...

1.So far i am satisfied with my work in this class even though i know i can do better.
2.I feel i blogged well in the first quarter and made good choices during class.
3.In the second quarter i will study for my test much better because i didnt last quarter and the result was a failing grade.

Anonymous said...

1. YES
2.I felt i did really well on my tests, Blogging, and making good choices durring class.
3.taking notes, being on time to class, and studying.

Anonymous said...

1. Yes
2. making good choices in class, taking notes, follow directions, listining.
3. my grade will improve

Anonymous said...

1. No not really because i didnt really learn that much and i expected it to be more hands on. Also i dont have access to a cumputer at home so its hard for me to do work at home.
2. I followed directions, listening, and blogging.
3. I want to really learn all that i can

Anonymous said...

1.Yes And No Because Some Things Im good At And some things Im Not This Classed Is based On studying And doing all the wotk During Class And Actually Reading The text.Hopefully This quarter i will Do alL The Things I Am SuppOsed 2 Do.

2.During The first Quarter I came Like A month Before The quarter ended And The First work I did Was A test That Failed Because I did Not Know One Thing On The test Last quarter What I did very Good Once I enetered Class I came To class On time Evry Day Some Days I admit I did not make good choices By gameing But Most Days I tried To mke Up The things I did not know I took Notes Before The test And studied Them

3. During This quarter I will Stay On Task And Study Do My work Avoid Gaming And Stay Quiet Unless Asked to talk Or answer a question This Is like a New years resolution goals U set up to do during The year And Improve On thibgs Like My class gradeI am Going To stay and do The things Ive Been Doing That Are positive coming To class on time,Dont Do Drugs, Do my work stay On task Zand All The Other Good Stuff That Will Help Me In school So I can Got To college And Get A good Education So I can GET MONEY. And Live The good Life.

Anonymous said...

1. Are you satisfied with your work in class? YES

2. What did you do well 1st quarter?
Taking notes, following directions,making good choices during class, blogging

3. What will you improve on during 2nd quarter? bosing up my test grade

Anonymous said...

1. Yes

2. Take Notes, blogging, and being on time.

3. Talk less and pay more attention.

Anonymous said...

1.i would necesarly say "satified" since i didnt do so well on exams which is when it counts most...

2.i read preaty well,took some notes,& i understood what i read..atleast i think i did

3.i need to do a better job a copyi...i mean studying for future exams...hehehe ..alittle class humor but seriously,ill try doing better on exams

miami7151 said...

graded to here

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