This is a test to see if I can see this at school:
Friday, Septmeber 28th, 2007
Here at the USU Open Ed Conference Brian Lamb highlighted this clip developed by USU InsT students:
Here is the remix version:
This is the original: (thank's robmba for helping me figure it out!!!)
More related clips on wikis for classroom use:
Friday, September 28, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Ms. Profenno's Reflections from "Day 2" = Fri. 9/21 and Mon. 9/24
There seems to have been an issue with the students accessing the computers in the classroom. A few students made posts from home or from other classrooms and told me none of the computers were working in my class. I have emailed the IT techs and asked them to check it out. Hopefully you will be able to get online during this week!!! I have enjoyed your posts thus far.
I am getting ready to launch a fabulous new web site to showcase the OCW teaching and learning that will happen with my students this year, thanks to Pedro Pernias and the USU COSL team!
Here is a link to the website. Check it out!!! THANKS PEDRO!

Here is a link to the website. Check it out!!! THANKS PEDRO!
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 7 - Wednesday, September 26th
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 5 - Wednesday, September 26th
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 3 - Wednesday, September 26th
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 1 - Wednesday, September 26th
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 8 - Tuesday, September 25th
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 6 - Tuesday, September 25th
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 4 - Tuesday, September 25th
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a prediction of how the tail of the tadpole will disappear. Give supporting evidence (actual or hypothetical) to support your claim.
Example: I predict that the tail of the tadpole will gradually disappear as other predators in the tank slowly eat it; my evidence is that I see tails of varying lengths and I think this is because the other fish have taken bites out of it. Eventually, if this continues, the tail will entirely disappear. This is how I predict the tail will disappear.
CISCO - PERIOD 2 - Tuesday, September 25th
First thing that you want to do today is complete that lab that some of you got started on last time. The template for it is in the blog from Friday, Sept. 21. Copy and paste it into today's comment space. You can fill in the appropriate spaces right in the blog comment space.
This is an experiment. Let's see how it works. You may find that it is easier, that after you have cut and pasted, you want to delete text that is not part of the question to make it look not as cumbersome.
This is an experiment. Let's see how it works. You may find that it is easier, that after you have cut and pasted, you want to delete text that is not part of the question to make it look not as cumbersome.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Ms. Profenno's Reflections from "Day 1" = Wednesday 9/19 and Thursday 9/20
Check back later to read my reflections - I have lots to comment on and I will be adding bit by bit as I get spare moments.
1) One very important observation I see is that not all of the students in each class are posting. There are several reasons why this may be the case. First, what I know. Second, what I think. Lastly - Today, while you are in class - I would like everyone in the class to work together and help each other have the opportunity to post in class by
1st - not going to the computer until you are ready to post, and
2nd - typing your post efficiently (as quickly as you are able) and then getting off the computer to let the next student type
What I can do for you is assign each person to a specific computer and a posting time. But, I would rather not do this. I think that you can govern yourselves and use common sense and respect to type your answer and then go and do something else.
Once everyone has posted at least once, if you would like to post a second comment, that is fine. I really enjoy reading your long posts.... and I want to make sure that I can read a post by everyone, not just from the people that got to the computers first.
First, what I know:
I know that during 8th period on 9/17 the internet servers went down and only 2 posts got through.
I know that I messed up and blocked people from posting comments during 1/2 of the Per 3 and Per 5 classes on 9/20 so some students did not have the ability to post.
I know that some students made behavior choices that excluded them from posting priviledge in some classes
I know that some students were honest and told me they did not do their home learning but they posted to say hi
Second, what I think:
I think that some students did not use their time wisely and the bell rang before they got to the computer
I think that the students who are good at typing may have spent longer periods at the computer to type more, causing other students to not have any time to get on a computer (there are only 5 in the room!! Please be curteous)
I think that some students posted twice or three times before all the students got at least one post
I think that some students feel shy about typing and feel a lot of stress about the requirement to type in class
I think that some students feel shy about typing in English, Spanish, Creole, French or any language that is comfortable for them
I think that maybe some of the more outgoing students and computer-loving students used computer-possessive body language, meaning that as long as they were sitting at the computer typing, other students would not come over and ask them to leave.
The computer is not to be used as a social activity. Most of you have not abused this priviledge of blogging. I have seen, however, that a few of you have. The computer, in my classroom, is a LEARNING TOOL, and right now, I ALONE will decide what sites you can go to for the next week. Those three sites are posted right on the computer's forehead. Take note. Also, each person has no longer than 4 minutes to post. THEN GET UP AND GO DO ANOTHER PART OF CLASSWORK. Know what you are going to write BEFORE you get there. This is why I am having you write out the posts as Home Learning assignments prior to class. They are only required to be one sentence each. If you have not prepared your Home Learning, then you can blog to tell me that.
I will be evaluating you for the next class period to see if as a class, we can improve the percentage of class that blogs.
1) One very important observation I see is that not all of the students in each class are posting. There are several reasons why this may be the case. First, what I know. Second, what I think. Lastly - Today, while you are in class - I would like everyone in the class to work together and help each other have the opportunity to post in class by
1st - not going to the computer until you are ready to post, and
2nd - typing your post efficiently (as quickly as you are able) and then getting off the computer to let the next student type
What I can do for you is assign each person to a specific computer and a posting time. But, I would rather not do this. I think that you can govern yourselves and use common sense and respect to type your answer and then go and do something else.
Once everyone has posted at least once, if you would like to post a second comment, that is fine. I really enjoy reading your long posts.... and I want to make sure that I can read a post by everyone, not just from the people that got to the computers first.
First, what I know:
I know that during 8th period on 9/17 the internet servers went down and only 2 posts got through.
I know that I messed up and blocked people from posting comments during 1/2 of the Per 3 and Per 5 classes on 9/20 so some students did not have the ability to post.
I know that some students made behavior choices that excluded them from posting priviledge in some classes
I know that some students were honest and told me they did not do their home learning but they posted to say hi
Second, what I think:
I think that some students did not use their time wisely and the bell rang before they got to the computer
I think that the students who are good at typing may have spent longer periods at the computer to type more, causing other students to not have any time to get on a computer (there are only 5 in the room!! Please be curteous)
I think that some students posted twice or three times before all the students got at least one post
I think that some students feel shy about typing and feel a lot of stress about the requirement to type in class
I think that some students feel shy about typing in English, Spanish, Creole, French or any language that is comfortable for them
I think that maybe some of the more outgoing students and computer-loving students used computer-possessive body language, meaning that as long as they were sitting at the computer typing, other students would not come over and ask them to leave.
The computer is not to be used as a social activity. Most of you have not abused this priviledge of blogging. I have seen, however, that a few of you have. The computer, in my classroom, is a LEARNING TOOL, and right now, I ALONE will decide what sites you can go to for the next week. Those three sites are posted right on the computer's forehead. Take note. Also, each person has no longer than 4 minutes to post. THEN GET UP AND GO DO ANOTHER PART OF CLASSWORK. Know what you are going to write BEFORE you get there. This is why I am having you write out the posts as Home Learning assignments prior to class. They are only required to be one sentence each. If you have not prepared your Home Learning, then you can blog to tell me that.
I will be evaluating you for the next class period to see if as a class, we can improve the percentage of class that blogs.
As I have been reading your posts from the Home Learning assignment where you had to identify and relate one of the 8 characteristics of life to the tadpole, I have noticed that metamorphosis and evolution have sometimes been mismatched in the way they have been discussed in the posts. I have prepared a short explanation that I hope will shed insight into the similarities and differences between these two terms.
If you chose either metamorphosis or evolution in your Home Learning assignment, I would like you, at some point - does not have to be today (and it does not have to be during class) - to read my explaniation. If you would like to leave a comment for me after reading, I added 10 writing prompts at the end. This is not a required assignment. If you do not read, you will not fail because I am not grading the comments for this post like I do the others. Even if you start reading and don't make it all the way through, drop me a comment as to how effect you think clarification like this is. To restate: how valuable is it to you, in your opinion, if I clarify concepts that I did not clearly present in class verbally, to be able to read an explanation in this blog format. I welcome your input. Thanks!
Here goes....
evolution and metamorphosis are two seemingly closely related terms. in fact, they at first may appear to be synonyms defining the same concept. i am going to try to explain to you their difference. please tell me what you understand the next time you log on and read this. the concept that many of you described in your posts as "evolution" is actually called metamorphosis.
metamorphosis refers to the growth and changes that take place during the life time of an organism. in the case of the frog, a frog starts out as an egg, then grows out of the egg and when it can freely swim in the water we call it a tadpole. it has a tail and can swim around. eventually, it will change more, eating a lot and getting bigger, then growing feet. later in it's life it will be able to both walk around on the land and swim in the water. all these changes of growth are called metamorphosis.
Evolution is the name that scientists have given to the idea that over 1000's of years a particular species might change as a group. evolution is generally not noticeable in one organism during its own lifetime. let me attempt to use a frog to explain. let's say that there is a population of frogs living in a marshy area, like the mangroves or the everglades. these frogs like to live in the water and the tall grass. they eat the flies and mosquitoes that live in that area. let's imagine that there are no tall trees in this area. can you see a picture of this? let's say the year is 2007, September to be exact.
Now, let's imagine that we return to this same spot about 2000 years later, and it's the year 4012. we are still able to find these same frogs living in the marshy areas. but the place looks a little different. there are not as many mangroves as before. in one area the mangrove trees have been taken over by tall, tall, tall trees. it looks like a tropical forest. the mangroves are on the edges of the forest. inside the forest, we don't see any of the frogs living. we only see them in the marsh, where there is water.
Then, at night, we camp out in the forest and we hear lots of frog noises but we can't see any of them on the forest floor. where is the noise coming from? YUP!! look up! if you can believe it, there are lots of TREE FROGS happily chirping high, high up in the top canopy of the leafs of the trees. so, we get some climbing ropes and climb the trees to get a look. we are astonished to see that the frogs look almost identical to the frogs that live in the marsh!!! But, one thing is drastically different. The tree frogs have a different type of webbed feet. Their feet make it so they can easily climb and move around within the tree canopy.
We decide to take a few tree frogs and do an experiment with them. We take them down to the marsh to see if they can swim. In fact, they can! But not very well. Nothing like the champion frog swimmers that live in the marsh. We then take some of the marsh frogs, climb back up the tree, and see how good they are at hopping on tree limbs 200 feet above the ground. They are pretty clumsy. A few even hop off the limb and fall.... down... down.... and luckily get caught in the safety net we set up just in case they did fall off. Their expert webbed swimming feet make hopping on high branches a difficult feat.
So, now we come to the question: How did these tree frogs get here? Where did they come from? When did they come? Why are they different from the marsh dwelling frogs ONLY in the appearance and function of their feet?
What scientists have come up with to explain possible answers to this questions is called EVOLUTION.
Evolution is defined as the gradual change in a species over time. It is not the change in a single individual over time. This would be called metamorphosis.
In this hypothetical situation of tree frogs and marsh frogs - which I am hypothetically suggesting - we would want to look at all the frog fossils between the years 2007 and 4012. We would look and see if there was any gradual change in the bone structure of the feet that suggests that their were genetic (DNA) mutations that caused the feet to change over time, or rather, adapt to the environment.
What scientists would want to study is if the tree frogs were at one point the same marsh frogs. By 4012, they have clearly evolved into two separate species. They are not suited to live in each other's habitats.
This gradual change in species over a LONG period of time (1000's, thousands, of years) is called EVOLUTION.
The changes that happen in the life cycle of a particular individual (between conception and death) is called METAMORPHOSIS.
Please post some feedback (optional). In the name field, write your student ID and the Period of Bio, so I can easily identify you.
For example: In the Identity field-
NAME: 1234567 Period 3
NAME: 0987654 Period 8
Thanks. This is an optional post. There is no extra credit that you will receive. You are not required to read or comment on this particular post.
If you do: I would like to hear one or more of the following of your opinions.
1) In your own words, how would you explain Metamorphosis?
2) In your own words, how would you describe Evolution?
3) In your opinion, what do metamorphosis and evolution have in common with each other?
4) In your opinion, in what ways do metamorphosis and evolution differ?
5) If a classmate asks you to explain both evolution and metamorphosis, how would you explain it?
6) How clear did I (Ms. P) explain the concept of evolution and metamorphosis?
7) How has your knowledge of these two characteristics of life changed after reading this post?
8) In your opinion, do you prefer to learn about something online, like this - or do you prefer to listen to a teacher talk in a classroom and teach a concept? Explain your preference.
9) What other concepts do you go to the internet to learn about? Would you say these concepts are related to your social teenager life or they are academically related to schoolwork.
10) Any other comments that are in your head, being relevant and appropriate, feel free to add.
If you chose either metamorphosis or evolution in your Home Learning assignment, I would like you, at some point - does not have to be today (and it does not have to be during class) - to read my explaniation. If you would like to leave a comment for me after reading, I added 10 writing prompts at the end. This is not a required assignment. If you do not read, you will not fail because I am not grading the comments for this post like I do the others. Even if you start reading and don't make it all the way through, drop me a comment as to how effect you think clarification like this is. To restate: how valuable is it to you, in your opinion, if I clarify concepts that I did not clearly present in class verbally, to be able to read an explanation in this blog format. I welcome your input. Thanks!
Here goes....
evolution and metamorphosis are two seemingly closely related terms. in fact, they at first may appear to be synonyms defining the same concept. i am going to try to explain to you their difference. please tell me what you understand the next time you log on and read this. the concept that many of you described in your posts as "evolution" is actually called metamorphosis.
metamorphosis refers to the growth and changes that take place during the life time of an organism. in the case of the frog, a frog starts out as an egg, then grows out of the egg and when it can freely swim in the water we call it a tadpole. it has a tail and can swim around. eventually, it will change more, eating a lot and getting bigger, then growing feet. later in it's life it will be able to both walk around on the land and swim in the water. all these changes of growth are called metamorphosis.
Evolution is the name that scientists have given to the idea that over 1000's of years a particular species might change as a group. evolution is generally not noticeable in one organism during its own lifetime. let me attempt to use a frog to explain. let's say that there is a population of frogs living in a marshy area, like the mangroves or the everglades. these frogs like to live in the water and the tall grass. they eat the flies and mosquitoes that live in that area. let's imagine that there are no tall trees in this area. can you see a picture of this? let's say the year is 2007, September to be exact.
Now, let's imagine that we return to this same spot about 2000 years later, and it's the year 4012. we are still able to find these same frogs living in the marshy areas. but the place looks a little different. there are not as many mangroves as before. in one area the mangrove trees have been taken over by tall, tall, tall trees. it looks like a tropical forest. the mangroves are on the edges of the forest. inside the forest, we don't see any of the frogs living. we only see them in the marsh, where there is water.
Then, at night, we camp out in the forest and we hear lots of frog noises but we can't see any of them on the forest floor. where is the noise coming from? YUP!! look up! if you can believe it, there are lots of TREE FROGS happily chirping high, high up in the top canopy of the leafs of the trees. so, we get some climbing ropes and climb the trees to get a look. we are astonished to see that the frogs look almost identical to the frogs that live in the marsh!!! But, one thing is drastically different. The tree frogs have a different type of webbed feet. Their feet make it so they can easily climb and move around within the tree canopy.
We decide to take a few tree frogs and do an experiment with them. We take them down to the marsh to see if they can swim. In fact, they can! But not very well. Nothing like the champion frog swimmers that live in the marsh. We then take some of the marsh frogs, climb back up the tree, and see how good they are at hopping on tree limbs 200 feet above the ground. They are pretty clumsy. A few even hop off the limb and fall.... down... down.... and luckily get caught in the safety net we set up just in case they did fall off. Their expert webbed swimming feet make hopping on high branches a difficult feat.
So, now we come to the question: How did these tree frogs get here? Where did they come from? When did they come? Why are they different from the marsh dwelling frogs ONLY in the appearance and function of their feet?
What scientists have come up with to explain possible answers to this questions is called EVOLUTION.
Evolution is defined as the gradual change in a species over time. It is not the change in a single individual over time. This would be called metamorphosis.
In this hypothetical situation of tree frogs and marsh frogs - which I am hypothetically suggesting - we would want to look at all the frog fossils between the years 2007 and 4012. We would look and see if there was any gradual change in the bone structure of the feet that suggests that their were genetic (DNA) mutations that caused the feet to change over time, or rather, adapt to the environment.
What scientists would want to study is if the tree frogs were at one point the same marsh frogs. By 4012, they have clearly evolved into two separate species. They are not suited to live in each other's habitats.
This gradual change in species over a LONG period of time (1000's, thousands, of years) is called EVOLUTION.
The changes that happen in the life cycle of a particular individual (between conception and death) is called METAMORPHOSIS.
Please post some feedback (optional). In the name field, write your student ID and the Period of Bio, so I can easily identify you.
For example: In the Identity field-
NAME: 1234567 Period 3
NAME: 0987654 Period 8
Thanks. This is an optional post. There is no extra credit that you will receive. You are not required to read or comment on this particular post.
If you do: I would like to hear one or more of the following of your opinions.
1) In your own words, how would you explain Metamorphosis?
2) In your own words, how would you describe Evolution?
3) In your opinion, what do metamorphosis and evolution have in common with each other?
4) In your opinion, in what ways do metamorphosis and evolution differ?
5) If a classmate asks you to explain both evolution and metamorphosis, how would you explain it?
6) How clear did I (Ms. P) explain the concept of evolution and metamorphosis?
7) How has your knowledge of these two characteristics of life changed after reading this post?
8) In your opinion, do you prefer to learn about something online, like this - or do you prefer to listen to a teacher talk in a classroom and teach a concept? Explain your preference.
9) What other concepts do you go to the internet to learn about? Would you say these concepts are related to your social teenager life or they are academically related to schoolwork.
10) Any other comments that are in your head, being relevant and appropriate, feel free to add.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 7 - Monday, September 24th
It has come to my attention that many of you may not have been able to get the Home Learning assignment from last class because the handouts were not in the packets or posted on the board. I am truely sorry about this. Those of you who checked out my Teacher Website would have gotten the assignment.
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 5 - Monday, September 24th
It has come to my attention that many of you may not have been able to get the Home Learning assignment from last class because the handouts were not in the packets or posted on the board. I am truely sorry about this. Those of you who checked out my Teacher Website would have gotten the assignment.
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 3 - Monday, September 24th
It has come to my attention that many of you may not have been able to get the Home Learning assignment from last class because the handouts were not in the packets or posted on the board. I am truely sorry about this. Those of you who checked out my Teacher Website would have gotten the assignment.
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 1 - Monday, September 24th
It has come to my attention that many of you may not have been able to get the Home Learning assignment from last class because the handouts were not in the packets or posted on the board. I am truely sorry about this. Those of you who checked out my Teacher Website would have gotten the assignment.
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 8 - Friday, September 21st
It has come to my attention that many of you may not have been able to get the Home Learning assignment from last class because the handouts were not in the packets or posted on the board. I am truely sorry about this. Those of you who checked out my Teacher Website would have gotten the assignment.
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 6 - Friday, September 21st
It has come to my attention that many of you may not have been able to get the Home Learning assignment from last class because the handouts were not in the packets or posted on the board. I am truely sorry about this. Those of you who checked out my Teacher Website would have gotten the assignment.
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 4 - Friday, September 21st
It has come to my attention that many of you may not have been able to get the Home Learning assignment from last class because the handouts were not in the packets or posted on the board. I am truely sorry about this. Those of you who checked out my Teacher Website would have gotten the assignment.
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
For those of you who did not get the writing prompt ahead of time, I would like you to read it below, spend a few minutes thinking about it, and come back to the computer and make your post.
HOPEFULLY, all has worked out well and you are have the handout in the plastic sheet on your desk. IF NOT, what I would like to happen is this: I would like the first one or two people from class who log onto blog to set up the middle computer with my Webpage and bring up the work for today. You will have to partner up and send one partner to the computer to take notes on the assignments that you will be doing today and what the Home Learning is. THANKS!!!!!
Here is the writing prompt (last night's Home Learning assignment).
I call it Food for Thought:
Reflect for a few minutes on this quote - "We are Children of Sunshine; We are what we Eat!"
In 1 (one) sentence or more, make a list of your favorite photosynthetic autotrophic producers that you enjoy eating.
HINT: Think green. :)
ADVICE: With this post, it actually closely follows the book work from last class. If you did not read and complete the specific book work from last class, then I would strongly recommend doing that first. Otherwise you may be listing favorite foods such as green spaghetti, green jelly beans, or green fruit loops. These answers would NOT be demonstrating to me that you understand what a photosynthetic autotrophic producer is.
The purpose of this Home Learning/Blog writing prompt is for me to see if you can take what you already know, what you read in the book, and what you have discussed with your classmates, and convince me that you understand how you are a child of sunlight based on certain foods that you eat!
CISCO - PERIOD 2 - Friday, September 21st
Here is the 1 Blog prompt for today. I have rethought things. Realistically, you did not get time to complete this lab. We will pick it up on Tuesday as well as do the vocab cards, as well as go though an overview of what's in Chapter 3. How does that sound?
1) We talked one day about making flashcards to assist in mastering the many vocabulary terms. If we developed a class set of vocabulary words, do you see yourself using them as a learning tool? Be honest and explain why or why not. If not, what can you suggest to me would be a productive way to learn the many terms in this field?
After you have completed the reading of Chapter 2, I want you to complete this activity. It may seem very basic, but please go through the steps. As far and today's work, I must have been sleepy last night to have posted your classwork for today WITHOUT saving it!!!!!!!! The vacation's over. Back to work, those of you who got excited about a free day. If you were just hanging out until then, I want you to discipline yourselves and work on CISCO class work through silent reading. There is LOTS to read.
Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates? ___________________________________
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? __________________________________________________
l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? ______________________________________________________
d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? ________________________________________________________
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? __________________________________________________________________
g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used. ____________________________________________________________________
1) We talked one day about making flashcards to assist in mastering the many vocabulary terms. If we developed a class set of vocabulary words, do you see yourself using them as a learning tool? Be honest and explain why or why not. If not, what can you suggest to me would be a productive way to learn the many terms in this field?
After you have completed the reading of Chapter 2, I want you to complete this activity. It may seem very basic, but please go through the steps. As far and today's work, I must have been sleepy last night to have posted your classwork for today WITHOUT saving it!!!!!!!! The vacation's over. Back to work, those of you who got excited about a free day. If you were just hanging out until then, I want you to discipline yourselves and work on CISCO class work through silent reading. There is LOTS to read.
Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 3
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP?
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make?
g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left
pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates? ___________________________________
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the
computer chose this option?
i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? __________________________________________________
l. Close the System control panel.
Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
CCNA Discovery
Networking for Home and Small Businesses
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 3
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version? ______________________________________________________
d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? ________________________________________________________
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? __________________________________________________________________
g. Close the application.
Step 4: Reflection
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application
is being used. ____________________________________________________________________
Monday, September 17, 2007
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 7 - Thursday, September 20th
Please comment on the following (this was your Home Learning assignment which is due today):
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 5 - Thursday, September 20th
Please comment on the following (this was your Home Learning assignment which is due today):
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 3 - Thursday, September 20th
Please comment on the following (this was your Home Learning assignment which is due today):
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 1 - Thursday, September 20th
Please comment on the following (this was your Home Learning assignment which is due today):
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 8 - Wednesday, September 19th
Please comment on the following (this was your Home Learning assignment which is due today):
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 6 - Wednesday, September 19th
Please comment on the following (this was your Home Learning assignment which is due today):
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 4 - Wednesday, September 19th
Please comment on the following (this was your Home Learning assignment which is due today):
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
Choose one of the 8 (eight) characteristics of life. In your opinion, explain how the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
Using 1 (one) complete sentence or more, state:
1) the characteristic you chose,
2) Why you selected this characteristic, and
3) How the tadpole expresses that characteristic.
The characteristic I chose was metamorphosis because I have been watching and drawing the tadpole during the past three classes. I have observed that it grows and develops, changing its body shape and size.
CISCO - PERIOD 2 - Wednesday, September 19th
Cisco Students - Please respond to the following questions below:
1) In your own words, explain the difference between the four types of OS installs. List any that you have personally installed (with or without difficulties).
2) Describe two preparations that must be completed before starting the installation.
3) In the Lab 2.3.3 Examining Operating System and Application Versions, complete question #1 a-f with answers that pertain to the computer you are currently sitting at.
IMPORTANT NOTES!!!!!!!!!! OJO!!!!!! (read below)
First - You may use the right hand list of posts to easily locate your class's daily posting. They are organized by date (most recent at the top) and then by period (in reverse order).
Second - When you are posting, I want you to sign you Student ID in a specific spot. Check out "BIOLOGY - PERIOD 4 - Monday, September 17th, 2007" so see an example and follow the directions below. This will be much easier for me to grade your responses. I no longer want to see "Anonymous said..." at the beginning of your posts. Also, I need your ID number, not seat number.... a seat # is relative and may change from day to day. Your ID # is unique to YOU and is what I need to ensure you receive a grade.
To sign your post:
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name; this is optional. YOU MUST ENTER STUDENT ID. For those of you who asked about creating another identity... and I said fine. Well, sorry, I changed my mind. I am requiring your ID # (for the present moment).
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
1) In your own words, explain the difference between the four types of OS installs. List any that you have personally installed (with or without difficulties).
2) Describe two preparations that must be completed before starting the installation.
3) In the Lab 2.3.3 Examining Operating System and Application Versions, complete question #1 a-f with answers that pertain to the computer you are currently sitting at.
IMPORTANT NOTES!!!!!!!!!! OJO!!!!!! (read below)
First - You may use the right hand list of posts to easily locate your class's daily posting. They are organized by date (most recent at the top) and then by period (in reverse order).
Second - When you are posting, I want you to sign you Student ID in a specific spot. Check out "BIOLOGY - PERIOD 4 - Monday, September 17th, 2007" so see an example and follow the directions below. This will be much easier for me to grade your responses. I no longer want to see "Anonymous said..." at the beginning of your posts. Also, I need your ID number, not seat number.... a seat # is relative and may change from day to day. Your ID # is unique to YOU and is what I need to ensure you receive a grade.
To sign your post:
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name; this is optional. YOU MUST ENTER STUDENT ID. For those of you who asked about creating another identity... and I said fine. Well, sorry, I changed my mind. I am requiring your ID # (for the present moment).
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 7 - Tuesday, September 18th, 2007
This is just a test to see if you can log onto the internet and post a blog to me. Please comment on the following question:
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 5 - Tuesday, September 18th, 2007
This is just a test to see if you can log onto the internet and post a blog to me. Please comment on the following question:
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 3 - Tuesday, September 18th, 2007
This is just a test to see if you can log onto the internet and post a blog to me. Please comment on the following question:
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 1 - Tuesday, September 18th, 2007
This is just a test to see if you can log onto the internet and post a blog to me. Please comment on the following question:
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 8 - Monday, September 17th, 2007
This is just a test to see if you can log onto the internet and post a blog to me. Please comment on the following question:
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 6 - Monday, September 17th, 2007
This is just a test to see if you can log onto the internet and post a blog to me. Please comment on the following question:
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
BIOLOGY - PERIOD 4 - Monday, September 17th, 2007
This is just a test to see if you can log onto the internet and post a blog to me. Please comment on the following question:
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
What is the most valuable experience you have had in Biology this year?
Go to the bottom of the post, click "Other," and in the Name field enter your Student ID (mandatory). You may add your name, but this is optional.
You may use this forum to ask me questions that you have during class and I will respond to you on this site as well.
PLEASE help the other students in the class or students who are not here today to submit their daily home learning assignments to this blog.
You may post ahead or you may post in class. Work posted after the end of the class period is LATE and may not be accepted.
REMEMBER, this is for course work purposes only. You are not to deface, demean, or dirty this blog site.
Ms. P
CISCO - PERIOD 2 - Monday, September 17th
Comment on the following questions:
1) In your opinion, explain what Chapter 2 is about
2) Which questions did you get correct/incorrect on the Chapter quiz
3) After paging through Chapter 2, how confident do you feel in the material to be covered in Chapter 2?
1) In your opinion, explain what Chapter 2 is about
2) Which questions did you get correct/incorrect on the Chapter quiz
3) After paging through Chapter 2, how confident do you feel in the material to be covered in Chapter 2?
Monday, September 3, 2007
Open Ed - Week 11 Reflections
The Future of Open Education
QUESTIONS: What will the future of higher education look like? What impact will the open education movement have? How will we get there from here?
Open Ed - Week 9 Reflections
Elective Reading Synopses
QUESTIONS: What can the open education movement learn from the book you chose to read? Elaborate on at least three points. Which of the ideas presented in the book did you find hardest to believe or agree with? Why?
Open Ed - Week 8 Reflections
Economic Models of Open Education
QUESTIONS: How can you build a sustainable business around giving away educational materials? How can you build a sustainable business model around giving away credentialed degrees? Should governments fund open education? (Do they already?)
Open Ed - Week 7 Reflections
Licensing Open Educational Resources
QUESTIONS: Can you think of license options that CC is currently missing that would benefit the open education movement? As the CC and GFDL licenses are incompatible, how can OCW content be legally remixed with Wikipedia content? Some people claim that the Creative Commons ShareAlike clause provides most of the protections people want to secure from the Creative Commons NonCommercial clause. What do you think these people mean, are they right, and why? Is copyleft good for the open education movement? Why or why not?
Open Ed - Week 6 Reflections
Background Readings in Copyright and the Public Domain
QUESTIONS: Understanding the importance and value of the public domain, how much (what percentage) of this value would you estimate is realized when works are licensed with a Creative Commons or GFDL license? To what degree would the open educational resources movement (and therefore the world) be additionally benefited if OERs were simply placed in the public domain? Please explain.
Open Ed - Week 5 Reflections
Example Open Education Projects
QUESTIONS: What do these representative open education projects have in common? What differentiates them? In the context of open education projects, what does "quality" mean?REFLECTIONS:
Open Ed - Week 4 Reflections
Background Readings in Open Education
QUESTIONS: What do these overviews of the field have in common? What do they emphasize differently? What are the aims of the authors of each report? Do you see a bias toward or against any ideas, organizations, or approaches in any of the reports? Which report spoke the most clearly to you, and why do you think it did? Based on where the field is now, and these initial ideas about where it might go, what part of the open education movement is most interesting to you? Why?
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Open Ed - Week 1 Reflections
Why Open Education?
QUESTIONS: In your opinion, is the "right to education" a basic human right? Why or why not? In your opinion, is open *access* to free, high-quality educational opportunity sufficient, or is it necessary to *mandate* education through a certain age or level?REFLECTIONS:
USU's Open Education Course, Fall 2007
I am delighted to take this online, Open Ed course! I expect to learn about the history of Open Education and OpenCourseWare (OCW), how to blog, how to create and edit using Wiki, selling points for attracting organizations and individuals to incorporate Open Ed into their educational tool box, and how to facilitate online high school learning through OCW for my Miami students.
Anyone interested in Open learning can check out USU's COSL (Center for Open and Sustainable Learning) and/or contact the Center's Director, David Wiley and
Check out the course syllabus for Fall 2007 as well as past courses taught by Dr. Wiley Correspond with international Open Ed colleagues through their personal e-mails and blogs (see Participant section in Fall 2007 syllabus). It may not be to late to add yourself to the course!
Definitely consider this year's Open Ed conference in Logan, UT, September 26-28, 2007 and the OpenCourseWare Consortium Meeting preceding this conference on September 24-25 These are two gatherings you'll want to add flavor to by personally attending.
See you there!
Anyone interested in Open learning can check out USU's COSL (Center for Open and Sustainable Learning) and/or contact the Center's Director, David Wiley and
Check out the course syllabus for Fall 2007 as well as past courses taught by Dr. Wiley Correspond with international Open Ed colleagues through their personal e-mails and blogs (see Participant section in Fall 2007 syllabus). It may not be to late to add yourself to the course!
Definitely consider this year's Open Ed conference in Logan, UT, September 26-28, 2007 and the OpenCourseWare Consortium Meeting preceding this conference on September 24-25 These are two gatherings you'll want to add flavor to by personally attending.
See you there!
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