Wednesday, October 31, 2007

CISCO - 1st Quarter Reflections - Wed, Oct.31, 2007

Think back and reflect on 1st Quarter:

1. Are you satisfied with your work in class?
2. What did you do well 1st quarter?
Taking notes, following directions, listening, organizing notebooks, being on time, making good choices during class, blogging, other
3. What will you improve on during 2nd quarter?
List specific goals you have for yourself

Monday, October 29, 2007

BIOLOGY - 1st Quarter Reflections - Mon, Oct. 29th and Tue, Oct. 30th

Think back and reflect on 1st Quarter:

1. Are you satisfied with your work in class?
2. What did you do well 1st quarter?
Taking notes, following directions, listening, organizing notebooks, being on time, making good choices during class, blogging, other
3. What will you improve on during 2nd quarter?
List specific goals you have for yourself

CISCO - Warriors of the Net - Mon, Oct. 29th

Today, you will need to borrow a set of headphones to complete this blog.

As you watch the following movie, jot down 5 facts that are NEW to you. After you have finished viewing the movie, post these 5 facts you have learned.

To view movie, click here Warriors of the Net, Download the link that reads "In English 73 MB SITE A" - make sure you download SITE A. It will immediately open in Windows Media Player.

When you have finished viewing, share your headphones with another student.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

CISCO - Choose Wisely - Thu, Oct. 25th

At the end of class, please blog how you chose to use today's class time to learn.

Choices available to you today:
  • Read and Study Chapter 3, take notes in your notebook
  • Watch the videos from the Cisco site (look on "Mind Wide Open" blog for link)
  • Learn about the CCENT cert test (look on "Mind Wide Open" blog for link)
  • Catch up on previous blogs
  • Study concepts that you do not understand in Chapter 1 and 2

Today's prompt: How did you choose wisely to use today's classtime? What did you learn about? How are you a better person from what you learned today?

Monday, October 22, 2007

BIOLOGY - Return and Report - Mon, Oct. 15th and Mon, Oct. 22nd

In a previous post you chose ONE thing to do DIFFERENTLY to improve your organization in Biology. You identified a time to begin improving this skill.

Today you will RETURN and REPORT on your organizational progress. Return to the post Organizational Skills (Tue, Oct. 9th and Wed, Oct. 10th). Locate your post by clicking on Collapse Comments. Open and read your post. Revisit today's post, Return and Report (Mon, Oct. 15th and Mon, Oct 22nd), and report on the status of your improved skill. Be honest.

1. Have you followed though with your commitment to be more organized in Biology? (Yes/No)
2. How competent are you at organizing your notebook?
(Fully competent, Mostly competent, Not so competent, Not sure)
3. What will you do next to improve your organizational skills?

Here is what wikipedia has to say about competency. En Espanol competencia significa pericia, aptitud, idoneidad para hacer algo.
"I am competent!"
"I can become a competent student."
"I will competently organize my work."

Friday, October 19, 2007

BIOLOGY - Habitat Reflections - Thu, Oct. 18th and Fri, Oct. 19th

In last class's comments, one person asked if it was too late to start. Of course not! The habitat project is worth 6 grades for the 6 days we have worked on it. You can still earn 1-2 grades for it if you start TODAY!

Reflect then report on the facility and difficulty of maintaining your classroom habitat. Here are some writing prompts to help organize your thoughts:
  • How have you adapted your design over the last week?
  • What was easy about making your habitat?
  • What was hard about making your habitat?
  • How have you adapted your design so that plants and critters stay alive?
  • What kind of responsibility is involved in caring for a habitat?
  • Do you like having that responsibility? Explain.
The video above contains pictures of all the habitats that have been started as of Monday, Oct. 15th. Below is a brief overview of Cisco, Biology, and the Techno Club. Techo club meets Mondays at 3:30 in room 350. Come join us on October 22nd!!

CISCO - Scroll Down - Fri, Oct. 19th and Tue, Oct 23rd

Tuesday, Oct 23rd
Good Morning students,

For today's post, I would like to understand first why not ONE person did not complete the blog on Wednesday and then only a few people completed it on Friday. I also need to understand why not ONE person did the classwork that I left. Finally, in order to appropriately grade you for class on these two days, I need to know what YOU accomplished.

You will answer these questions on the 3x5 card that I have provided at the end of today's class.
Please put your NAME and ID on it and answer the following questions:

1. Where did you attend class on Wednesday?
2. Why did you not blog on Wednesday?
3. What did you accomplish on Wednesday?
4. Where did you attend class on Friday?
5. Why did you not blog on Friday (if applicable)?
6. What did you accomplish on Friday?
7. Why did you not complete the classwork that I posted and left with the sub?

Friday, Oct. 19th
Good Morning students,

I did not get any posts from last class. Maybe there was a problem with the computers? I would like you to still answer those prompts. You may need to unplug the headphones and watch the video in small groups. Or, you can complete this prompt for home learning tonight.

Today and last class, you have to scroll down. Your post is below the Biology posts. I was traveling on Wednesday and could not make yours the top post but you would have seen it in on the right margin of blog contents.

Also, for your interest, there is a video/audio clip with the pix that I took in your class Monday. It's attached to yesterday's Biology prompt.

Good luck!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

CISCO - Mind Wide Open - Wed, Oct. 17th

Students, for those of you who are not taking the PSAT test, you will have extra time to be in class. Since the ENTIRE class today you will be engaged in learning, I have provided a video for you to watch. Since there are only 4 working computers, there is enough time for everyone, in the 2 hours, to watch this video during class.

Go to this site:

Play the third video, "Architects of Tomorrow." You will want to enlarge the video and use the headphones. I am crossing my fingers that Quick Time is loaded on those computers!!!

Answer these writing prompts after you have watched the video:
  1. How is your Mind Wide Open to your future? (this has nothing to do with Cisco Networking -- this question is about your dreams and aspirations for the future)
  2. Explain how your Mind is Wide Open to the Cisco Discovery program.
  3. What is your commitment level TODAY to not game in class, even though I am out of town?
And, NO, you may not play cards in class. YES, I realize the period is extended. It is NOT for card playing. It is for Cisco class enrichment. I have invited the Assistant Principles to come and visit Period 2 today and see how disciplined the Cisco students are. Let them see you on task for the entire period, not loitering, not PSPing, not playing cards, not text messaging, or engaged in any other off-task activity.

Still have the itch to be internet surfing AND all of your book work is complete?
  1. Check out this interactive network map. Can you find Homestead Senior? It's there!!
  2. Scroll to the bottom of this site to learn about the Cisco Internship Program from MDCPS students.
  3. Read about the CCENT Certificate that YOU can earn after only 2 semesters of Cisco - that means that ALL OF YOU should set a goal to qualify for this voucher at the end of this year. With this certificate, which is brand NEW, you can go out and get an entry level job!!!!! This is WONDERFUL news!!!
At the Cisco training I learned a lot. Anyone who consistently is not passing the Chapter Tests will be dropped from the Cisco Academy. These students will remain in Period 2 until the end of the semester, but will be given alternative assignments to complete.

With regards to the seeing feedback on the tests, because the Discovery program is brand new, the feedback option does not yet exist. It is a request that has been asked by teachers to the Cisco Academy, but has not yet been granted.

We will begin Chapter 3 on Tuesday 10/23 - make sure you have READ the entire chapter before coming to class on Tuesday. I suggest taking lots of notes. Remember to disable instant messaging, appear as though you are offline, when you are reading for Cisco. Another hint is to download the entire online text to your desktop. Then, you do not have to be on the internet at all while you study.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

BIOLOGY - Computers as Learning Objects - Tue, Oct. 16th and Wed, Oct. 17th

Learning objects are small electronic units of educational information that are flexible, reusable, customizable, inter- operable, retrievable, facilitate competency-based learning, and increase the content value.

Respond to the following prompt:

How have computers impacted your learning of Biology concepts these first 9 weeks of school? In other words, how do you feel about using computers to blog as part of your daily assignments? How do you think this exercise is helping you learn about Biology?

Monday, October 15, 2007

CISCO - Reflect and Report - Mon, Oct. 15th

Last class you responded to the following three prompts:

  1. I game during Cisco class or silent reading.
  2. I put my trash in the trash can.
  3. I am serious about my Cisco studies.
Now, at the end of today's class, reflect both on your previous comments and the choices you made today in class. Comment today on the status of your discipline using class time appropriately, respecting classroom property, and taking this course seriously.

Lastly, comment on your experience taking the Chapter 2 test.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

BIOLOGY - Abiotic and Biotic - Thu, Oct 11th and Fri, Oct 12th

Click on this link: Abiotic Factors Effecting Living Systems. When you arrive at Hippo Campus, enter the site and select Textbook -> Biology, Prentice Hall. Scroll down to the link for pages 96-99, "Abiotic Factors Effecting Living Systems," and listen to the audio using the headphones attached to each computer. Only listen until you can adequately answer the following two questions:

1. What are the abiotic factors in YOUR habitat? Be specific.
2. What are the biotic factors in YOUR habitat? Be specific.
Extra web reference from today's Bell Work on Affirmations. Se puede leer sobre Afirmaciones en Espanol siquiendo estes titulos: Caja De la Herramienta De los Adultos -> Herramientas para el crecimiento personal -> Uno mismo-afirmaciones -> ¿Cuáles son uno mismo-afirmaciones? ©1999-2007 James J. Messina, Ph.D. & Constance Messina, Ph.D.

CISCO - Respect and Accountability - Thu, Oct. 11th

Please review what your user ID is. It is CP2U## and the ## is a 2-digit # that you will locate on the class list that is hanging in the back of the classroom by the computers. Do not sign using your HSHS Student ID. Thank you.

Honestly answer the following three questions. Then, write an affirmation statement validating how you will be respectful and accountable during Cisco class.

Affirmation Statement Examples:
* I am on task by not gaming during class.
* I can show respect by throwing my papers in the trash can.
* I will commit to my coursework by studying each chapter.

1. I game during Cisco class or silent reading.
Every day, Most days, Occasionally, Tried it once or twice, Never
2. I put my trash in the trash can.
Every day, Most days, Occasionally, Tried it once or twice, Never
3. I am serious about my Cisco studies.
Every day, Most days, Occasionally, Tried it once or twice, Never

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

BIOLOGY - Organizational Skills - Tue, Oct. 9th and Wed. Oct. 10th

Organizational skills are learned, not inherent. We must consciously choose to develop organizational skills.

Last class and today you are accounting for your class work during the first quarter. Several of you chose NOT to turn in the check list Bell Work from last class. I wonder what the reason for this was...

Each of you today will REFLECT on your organizational skills and answer the following three prompts:
  1. How have you chosen to organize your notebook this year? (binder, folder, spiral, composition notebook)
  2. What is ONE thing you will do DIFFERENTLY to improve your organizational skills in Biology?
  3. When will you begin doing this new skill?

CISCO - Chapter 2 Questions - Tue, Oct. 9th

  1. If you have not already taken the chapter quiz, take it now.
  2. Write a paragraph summarizing Chapter 2. (Refer to the summary at the end of the Chapter for key concepts). Include at least 1 sentence for each of the three sections: Choosing the OS, Installing the OS, Maintaining the OS.

Friday, October 5, 2007

BIOLOGY - Human Impact - Fri. Oct. 5th and Mon. Oct 8th

Last class we studied Human Impact:
  • The Bell Work identified three scenarios where students can impact a classroom of other students.
  • In the Book Work, you read about how humans impact the environment.
  • For Home Learning, you wrote a paragraph on how pollutants can impact plants or animals and how humans can improve or worsen the situation.
Today for the Blog Work you will choose ONE of the three crime scenes from last class's Bell Work and post:
  1. How do you feel?
  2. What do you think the consequences should be?

To review, here are the three Crime Scene scenarios:

Imagine you are a Biology teacher and have just returned from an academic conference. You walk into class and discover the following three situations. CHOOSE ONE and respond you would feel and what the consequences should be.
  1. You discover half a bottle of Ultra Concentrated dish detergent has been added to the fish tank; all the fish and plants are dead; half the tadpoles and the crayfish are alive.
  2. You discover the red emergency button has been pushed shutting off all power to the classroom outlets disabling: student computers, dissecting microscopes, fish tank filter, and, access to charge cell phones.
  3. You discover many of your desks, walls and computers have black permanent marker, pen or pencil graffiti on them.

CISCO - Test Reflections - Fri, Oct 5th

Today was your first Chapter Test. How did it go?

For today's blog post you will write a reflective paragraph on the testing experience. I want you to evaluate your preparation for the test. Here are some writing prompts but you are not limited to these questions. Please share your feelings and thoughts. Remember to use your user ID (if you forgot it... today you may use your school student ID... because I left the user name list downstairs in the other room).

How did you feel going into the test? Did you adequately read and study? What topics do you need to revisit? How can you improve your study time in class? How can you improve your study time at home? Do you feel that you earned the grade that you received? What will you differently in the future? Specifically, how will you prepare for the Chapter 2 test on next Thursday?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

BIOLOGY - A Wiki Sandbox? - Wed, Oct 3rd and Thu, Oct 4th

REMEMBER: Do not use your student ID or your name. Only use your new USER NAME that I gave you last class. It looks like this:

BP#U## and stands for Biology Period (# of your period) User (your 2-digit user #). If you forgot, these are posted in the back of the classroom above the computers.

Please respond to the following question:

What can YOU create using the following tools – Wiki Sandbox, digital camera, computer, internet, MP3/IPOD, cell phone, microphone, Biology laboratory classroom supplies, Biology materials from outside the classroom, and any other creative tool you want to use?

REMEMBER: Think outside of the box!

Monday, October 1, 2007

BIOLOGY - Your Food Web - Mon, Oct 1st and Tue, Oct 2nd

  1. Please, DO NOT USE STUDENT ID or YOUR NAME on any more posts.
  2. I have assigned you a USER NAME. You MUST use this from now on to get proper credit! Do NOT use your name. If you forget your user name, it is posted in the classroom near the computers.
  3. Post your Home Learning from last class: In 2 (two) sentences or more, identify the components in YOUR food web. In the first sentence, list all the producers that you eat. In the second sentence, list all the consumers that you eat. You may need to review the definitions of producer and consumer to complete this assignment.

CISCO - A Wiki Sandbox? - Mon, Oct 1st, 2007

  1. Please, DO NOT USE STUDENT ID or YOUR NAME on any more posts.
  2. I have assigned you a USER NAME. You MUST use this from now on to get proper credit! Do NOT use your name. If you forget your user name, it is posted in the classroom near the computers.
  3. What can YOU create using the following tools – Wiki Sandbox, digital camera, computer, internet, MP3/IPOD, cell phone, microphone, any other materials of your choice?
  4. Remember to think "Outside of the Box."

To check out the Wiki Web pages that the Cisco students created today in class visit:
Cisco's Wiki Demo Pages
Creative Commons License
Miami 7151 Blog by Rebekka Stone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.